Overcoming Some Pitfalls of the Google Maps API


Recently I had to integrate with Google Maps API for a job-related task. I had a great experience working with Google Maps API both on the backend and frontend, but it was not without problems and a lot of research. In fact, I did learn a lot and for this very reason, I decided to share some of the most interesting pitfalls that I fell in.

To show you what I learned I assembled a small no-brainer application. It is a Spring Boot/Thymeleaf web application with the mission to display on a map the employees from an organization. It can display a particular employee on the map, all the employees on the map, and during the creation of an employee, it allows picking an address from a pinpoint on a map. The features that I decided to implement are for the sake of tutorial purposes and they may not make a lot of sense sometimes. The app can be found here: employee-locator