How to Create an AWS EC2 VM

In this post, you will learn how easy it is to create a virtual machine with AWS EC2. You will learn the basics and as an example, you will deploy and run a basic Spring Boot application. Enjoy!

1. Introduction

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is one of the most popular AWS services. It allows you to create cloud computing instances in no time. You have the choice out of predefined templates (AMI) for several Operating Systems. Pricing is dependent on what kind of purpose the instance needs to serve. Whether you want to have an instance continuously running, or only at a scheduled interval, or you need bare metal, or a dedicated instance, etc. Many options are available for different purposes. Besides that, a lot of different configurations are available to choose from. You will need to choose the right one for your application. In the Free Tier, you only use the micro instance. All of this information is available at the Amazon website and therefore only links to these pages are provided. The offerings may change and you should refer to the Amazon website for the details.