Using CockroachDB Storage Attributes for Heterogeneous Data


CockroachDB is a cloud-native SQL database for building global, scalable cloud services that survive disasters. It makes building geo-distributed databases easy. Ability to anchor data to geographic localities is a unique capability of CockroachDB. Today, I will demonstrate this ability to extend beyond regions, availability zones, nodes, data centers and racks. The architecture allows us to domicile data to specific storage devices using storage attributes.

High-Level Steps

  • Start a CockroachDB cluster with multiple disks per node using storage attributes
  • Create a table pinned to a specific disk type
  • Create another table and verify its location on disk
  • Evict the second table to demonstrate granularity
  • Assign proper storage constraints deterministically
  • Verify Setup

Step by Step Instructions

export storepath="${PWD}/workdir"
mkdir -p "${storepath}"