#319: Pattern Library

Stephen and Chris talk about cplibrary the Pattern Library that the CodePen Monorepo can use to share components. What goes in there and what doesn’t? What are common and not-so-common components? Can components be combinations of other components?

Time Jumps

  • 00:35 Mono repo and pattern library
  • 03:20 Starting off a pattern library with a button
  • 07:01 What’s in our library?
  • 10:40 Overriding with one off styles
  • 14:23 Click outside detector
  • 16:48 Sponsor: Lemon Productions
  • 19:15 All components don’t have to be micro
  • 23:26 Controls
  • 26:26 Reaching for things off the shelf
  • 31:24 Other interesting library components we have
  • 36:21 Why bother?

Sponsor: Lemon Productions

Chris Enns of Lemon Productions edits this podcast. Got a podcast you wanna outsource the editing on? Hit him up.

The post #319: Pattern Library appeared first on CodePen Blog.