How to Validate Code Identifiers in Java

When building applications and programs for use by other developers, ensuring you are utilizing valid code identifiers is an important component. These unique identifiers are symbols that have been designated to specific program elements essential to the successful creation of a program, and they can refer to a wide variety of features, including class, namespace, types, variables, and more. To avoid any confusion or misinterpretation, the names given to the symbols should clearly indicate the usage of the corresponding element. The general idea is to create an identity of sorts for the symbol so that it can easily be identified by any individual, not just the original developer.

During the creation of these integral program pieces, it is also important to be conscious of the technical nuances of the applicable programming language; for example, since Java is case sensitive, identifiers that have different cases will be treated differently. As you may know, attempting to navigate the various rules and requirements for code identifiers can take up a lot of time, so we are going to highlight an easy tool you can integrate to do the work for you. The following API can be run in Java to validate input identifiers and analyze for incorrect strokes including usage of whitespace, hyphens, underscores, and other special symbols within the identifier. This is accomplished by configuring input rules for the symbols, such as allowing the identifier “helloWorld” but not "hello*World".