How to Create a DataKeeper Replicated Volume That Has Multiple Targets via CLI

I often help people automate the configuration of their infrastructure so they can build 3-node clusters that span Availability Zones and Regions. The CLI for creating a DataKeeper Job and associated mirrors that contain more than one target can be a little confusing, so I'm documenting it here in case you find yourself looking for this information. The DataKeeper documentation describes this as a Mirror with Multiple Targets.

The environment in this example looks like this:

PRIMARY ( - in AZ1
DR ( - in a different Region

I want to create a synchronous mirror from PRIMARY to SECONDARY and an asynchronous mirror from PRIMARY to DR. I also have to make sure the DataKeeper Job knows how to create a mirror from SECONDARY to DR in case the SECONDARY or DR server ever become the source of the mirror. EMCMD will be used to create this multiple target mirror.

We need to first create the Job that contains all this possible endpoints and define whether the mirror will be Sync (S) or Async (A) between those endpoints.