Top 10 Key Elements for Successful SAFe Implementation

The Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) came into being to help modern enterprises implement Lean-Agile development at scale more effectively and smoothly. So, if an enterprise wants to implement this framework to reap the maximum benefits of the Lean-Agile Development at scale, it is essential for it to absorb Lean-Agile culture, Lean-Agile mindset, and Lean-Agile principles at the personal, intellectual, and leadership levels. This thorough absorption at all these levels forms the base on which SAFe can be implemented effectively.  

The successful SAFe implementation consists of these factors:

Web Languages as Compile Targets

Jim Nielsen quoting Eric Bailey:

He references an example on Twitter where someone noted you can use the <details> element to “create a native HTML accordion,” to which someone responded: “this works without Bootstrap? 🤯”

What’s the problem here? From Eric:

the problem that arises from this situation is that it teaches people to think and work framework-first. When that happens, the hard-won, baked-in interoperability and, importantly, accessibility of the [web] platform is thrown away. It’s a compounding problem, as well: The more people don’t use the elements made available to us, the more the notion exists that they’re irrelevant.

I’ve seen people on GitHub routinely amazed by <details>, and assume it’s a special GitHub feature.

HTML (lol)

Seriously though, I’m not exactly sure when the perfect time to learn HTML is. Early on, for sure, but I wouldn’t blame anyone for not learning it first. I’m sure I learned it in the context of WordPress PHP templates. I’m sure a lot of people are learning it in the form of JSX or .vue files these days. That’s fine. It’s like learning to play “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of Bay” on guitar before you learn about keys and scales and voicings. But if you never circle back to the fundamentals, it’s limiting, and in the case of the web, damaging.

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Alpha Particle and Flowspoke Acquire Kanban for WordPress for $15K

Digital consultancies Alpha Particle and Flowspoke have acquired the Kanban for WordPress plugin, a tool that puts Kanban boards into the admin to measure progress on a goal. The plugin is used for agile project management, sales tracking, editorial scheduling, and other planning purposes.

WordPress developer Corey Maass created Kanban for WordPress in 2015 but struggled to market it enough to grow beyond 2,000 users. In 2020, he saw Alpha Particle CTO Keanan Koppenhaver post on Twitter that he was looking to acquire a plugin business and jumped at the chance to sell Kanban for WordPress. Koppenhaver wanted a plugin that already had $1k-$12K annual revenue and wasn’t tied in with Beaver Builder, Elementor, Divi, or any other page builders. Integration with WooCommerce or other third-party software was a plus.

“I’d burned out on the project so I’d thought about selling for a while but didn’t do anything about it,” Maass said. “When Keanan posted he was looking, I inquired because I’d met him and knew he was solid. After a chat I knew he was the right buyer because his approach to WordPress was similar to mine – not too detached, not too dogmatic.”

Maass had monetized Kanban for WordPress for the past five years through a $149/year pro version (the most popular price point) and a $499.00 lifetime support license. He said revenue had peaked around $20K/ARR but had dropped to about $10K/ARR due to his minimal involvement. During his peak revenue months there were some weeks he would work 40 hours and some that he would work no hours at all.

“I applied the ’12-18 months of revenue as a selling price’ rule, and sold it for $15k,” Maass said.

He also commented on the difficulty of finding a non-technical partner in the WordPress world. Maass searched for someone to market the plugin while he concentrated on the product but never found a match:

I interviewed non-WordPress people. No luck. I’ve found a few people in the WordPress eco-system, but most already have one more products they’re growing. It’s one of the quirks of the WordPress world – there are more devs than non-devs. Most everywhere else in the tech-business world, it’s the other way around. And of course most of the success stories of WordPress are tech founders that pivoted to marketing/biz dev, which a lot of devs can’t do, myself included.

The teams at Alpha Particle and Flowspoke saw potential to grow the Kanban for WordPress plugin business with their combined design, marketing, and development skills.

“As WordPress continues to become an even more full-featured platform, we think there’s a demand for great applications to be built inside WordPress,” Alpha Particle CTO Keanan Koppenhaver said. “And Kanban is a perfect example of that. It’s already proven useful for a lot of people and we want to take even more of the features from other project management tools and integrate them tightly with tools WordPress folks are already using, like the Block Editor and WooCommerce, to help add to that unified WordPress experience.”

Although Alpha Particle and Flowspoke already have in-house products they are working on, they wanted to acquire a business where they could immediately start experimenting.

“With a plugin that already has some traction, it just makes it a lot easier to try new things and get quicker feedback on new features and new ideas,” Koppenhaver said. “Since there’s already an engaged user base, we saw the opportunity to take the things we tell our clients to do with their projects and apply them to a product of our own. I think that long-term this wouldn’t be the only one we acquire, but we’ll be on the look out for the next right opportunity. We’re excited about the long-term roadmap we’ve laid out for Kanban, too, and ready to put in the time to focus and make that vision a reality.”

Alpha Particle and Flowspoke plan to release the long-awaited version 3 of Kanban for WordPress in the near future. It has been completely redesigned and rewritten from the ground up. They will also be building in tighter integration with WordPress where users will be able to link posts to cards and automatically have cards moved to the “Published” column after publishing. Kanban for WordPress already has integrations for Gravity Forms and Ninja Forms but the team has more third-party integrations on the roadmap and is also taking suggestions.

5 Customer Data Integration Best Practices

For the last few years, you have heard the terms "data integration" and "data management" dozens of times. Your business may already invest in these practices, but are you benefitting from this data gathering? 

Too often, companies hire specialists, collect data from many sources and analyze it for no clear purpose. And without a clear purpose, all your efforts are in vain. You can take in more customer information than all your competitors and still fail to make practical use of it.  

Converting From jQuery To Vanilla Javascript


I have a small script that I wrote in jQuery and I would like to convert it to vanilla javascript so I can ditch jQuery for pages that use this script.

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

  $(document).on('click', '.wpstp_button_follow', function(e) {

      type: 'POST',
      url: ajaxurl+"?action=wpstp_follow",
      data: $('#wpstp_form').serialize(),
      dataType: "text",
      success: function(response) {
        var count = Number($(".follow_count").text());
        var newCount = count + 1;


  $(document).on('click', '.wpstp_button_unfollow', function(e) {

      type: 'POST',
      url: ajaxurl+"?action=wpstp_unfollow",
      data: $('#wpstp_form').serialize(),
      dataType: "text",
      success: function(response) {
        var count = Number($(".follow_count").text());
        var newCount = count - 1;



How would this be converted to use vanilla js?

New to Java? Here Are Some Resources

In this tweet, I was asked if I had a list of resources for developers who are new to Java. I didn't at the time, but I've spent some time researching, and here is that list.

I've listed content that is both free and paid. It's not that one type is superior; it’s just to give you plenty of choices. These are the resources that I've used and do still use to re-learn Java. So, if you're new to Java or looking to pick it up again after a break, this blog is for you.

Securing the Future of Remote Working With Augmented Intelligence


Are you familiar with the fact that utilization of artificial intelligence across businesses will tend to create $2.9 trillion of business value in 2021 as well as 6.2 billion hours of productivity? Keeping in view this up-pacing technology, the artificial intelligence market is projected to grow to $190 billion by the year 2025. 

Without any uncertainty, it is clear this whole globe is accommodated with synergizing human intelligence and artificial intelligence. The immense acquisition is observed especially during the pandemic of COVID-19 which was an excuse that “work from home” is becoming a new normal. Either working from home, or from the office or a blend of both, employees are learning to work in different ways with different collaborative tools. As organizations are facing this new normal, technological advancements have made work from home a seamless reality. The evolution of augmented intelligence has paved the way for collaborative experience and richer work. 

Top 10 SharePoint Intranet Portal Benefits


Microsoft SharePoint has undoubtedly revolutionized the way business enterprises are using the intranet to optimally extract value from it. Using SharePoint as an intranet makes it easy for employees to work collaboratively as a team while encouraging team cohesiveness and employee engagement. So, let’s get into the top 10 benefits of having a SharePoint intranet in your enterprise.

Benefits of SharePoint Intranet Portal

1. Easy Storage of Information

Business-related and sensitive information can be stored in a single place that can be only provided to authorized personnel for access. With the MS SharePoint intranet portal, you can also designate who can edit and access those documents, so that your sensitive and critical data and information does not fall into the wrong hands.

Jenny B Kowalski’s A-Z (and a-z) as Variable Letterforms

Jenny B Kowalski has been posting a-letter-a-day on Instagram exploring multi-axis variable/responsive letterforms. They are very clever in that one of the axes controls an uppercase-to-lowercase conversion, literally morphing the shape of the letters from an uppercase version to a lowercase version. The other axis is a stroke weight, which also dramatically changes the feel of the letters.

Here’s Q, one of my favorites:

She’s using p5.js, but I don’t see any reason these couldn’t be made into a variable font with custom axes.

OK here’s one more. I find the I/i very clever:

The post Jenny B Kowalski’s A-Z (and a-z) as Variable Letterforms appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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How to Hire a Website Designer

Whether you want to build a new website for your business or refresh your old site, hiring a web designer can be a critical part of the process.

After all, this is someone who will create the online face of your company, letting you reach out to customers—something that has a massive role in driving sales and boosting revenue.

But the question is, how do you choose the best website designer for your needs? And no, “It depends“ isn’t an answer.

Today, I’ll show you how you can hire a reliable web designer that meets your exact needs, requirements, and goals.

What to Expect When Hiring a Web Designer

Hiring a web designer isn’t easy, but you have to do it, especially since 75% of users will judge your credibility based on how your website looks.

The good thing is you look for a person with appropriate skill sets on several online platforms, compare their portfolios, interview prospects, and then finally hire one who impresses you most.

Step 1 – Define Your Website Requirements and Design Needs

Step 2 – Search for Candidates Online

Step 3 – Shortlist Your Prospectives and Make the Final Call

The Good

Before you start looking for a web designer, you have to decide which direction you want your website to go in.

This may sound complicated, but it really isn’t. Think about the type of website you want, the functionality you want to add, and the tech you want to offer. Your designer can make your vision a reality–provided you communicate your requirements and desires clearly.

With freelance marketplaces like Upwork,, and Toptal, finding great candidates is incredibly easy. These places have hundreds of designers, each with different pricing and expertise, making them feasible for small and large businesses.

You can see portfolios, ask questions, discuss their working process, and so on before making the final call. Moreover, most of them also offer money security, so you don’t have to pay the freelancers unless you’re satisfied with the end result.

The Bad

You can have a more expensive and better-looking website when compared to your competitor, and no doubt, it does have its perks. A well-designed layout improves visitor experience, makes your business look more legitimate, and keeps your visitors on your page for longer.

But there’s really no point in having a good website design if your business idea isn’t good enough. Test out your business idea to see whether it can make money before injecting hundreds of dollars into designing a website.

In my experience, it’s better to wait when it comes to hiring a designer if you’re still trying to get the business off the ground or if you don’t have a healthy market for your product or service.

Additionally, designing a website is only half the work—you also need an actual functioning website (this is where a web developer comes into the picture), SEO-optimized content, an excellent product or service, a good support team, among others aspects indirectly related to your website.

Step 1 – Define Your Website Requirements and Design Needs

Here’s a simple question for you: How do you want your website to look?

You have to figure out the answer to this question if you want a good end product.

Translating a vague idea conceived in someone else’s brain into something tangible, and your web designer is no exception. The more specific you are, the better website you’ll have.

Determine Your Tech Needs

Websites can be of different types. For instance, a brochure site is different from a site offering users a specific functionality. While the former is created to inform visitors about your brand and contact details, the latter seeks to help visitors. This can include offering a free grammar check, supplying domain authority information, and so on.

Let me explain this with an example.

Suppose you want to launch a website for your non-profit. You should know whether you have the expertise to manage and maintain the website, want to implement portal logins and donation links, and if users can integrate with specific profiles.

Get it?

Here’s how you can decide your tech needs:

  • What functionality do you want to offer to your visitors?
  • Do you want to be able to edit and manage your website content once it is built?
  • How do you see your website growing?
  • Will your visitors have to work with your website at all?

Finalize the Feel of Your Website

Vague concepts and ideas can spell disaster—precisely why you need to chalk out your website’s look and feel.

Start by creating a list of websites you like and articulate what you like and dislike about them.

Remember, you have to be specific here. Think about whether you would want to give visitors choices, how you’d like to receive feedback, and what aspects you consider most important in your website.

Budgets are equally important, so think about what you’re willing to cut and what are your top priorities.

Try to incorporate as many pointers as possible and draw a rough draft of how you want your website to look. This will give your designer a direction of where you’d like to go—even if your drawing looks like a random scribble on the paper.

Trust me, it’ll help tremendously down the line. You’ll be able to communicate your ideas to your website designer better, and the designer can then tell you how achievable your vision is and what it will cost.

Step 2 – Search for Candidates Online

The internet is the best place to find capable web designers and web designing agencies. You can perform a broad search or get as specific as you want by including the name of your city or area in your search query.

Go through the different search results, and compile a list of prospects that look good to you.

Do a Google Search

The whole point of Google is to provide you with the best possible search results for your queries.

It’s why performing a Google search for “web designers for hire” should top your to-do list. You can go into more detail by searching for terms like “WordPress web designers” or “WordPress web designers in California,” too.

You’ll see a list of the most popular web designers for hire on various marketplaces like Upwork, Toptal, and 99Designs.

Let’s discuss how you can hire a web designer on these platforms.

Hiring a Web Designer On Upwork

Upwork is arguably the best site for hiring a freelance web designer. It’s a massive user-friendly job portal marketplace.

Freelancers can apply for your web designing job post, and you can go through the list of applicants to select the right match.

Upwork also offers a time-tracking feature to make billing accurate and fair. What’s more, it takes screenshots of a freelancer’s monitor every few minutes to ensure they’re actively working on your project.

Hiring a Web Designer On Toptal

Toptal is the crème de la crème of freelancers. They say they have the top 3% of the best freelancers as only experts apply freelancers on the platform. They also have a stringent five-step screening process.

In short, you’re assured of the best talent. You must have a higher budget if you plan on using Toptal freelancers. After all, they are experts.

Hiring a Web Designer On Fiverr

Fiverr is another reliable site that offers capable web designers at affordable rates.

Now, this marketplace has a very different approach: It’s the freelancers that post about the kind of jobs they want to do. You look at profiles and hire them if you like what you see.

Think of Fiverr as a search engine. You’ll find freelancers from all over the world, portfolios, feature ratings, and reviews there.

Step 3 – Shortlist Your Prospectives and Make the Final Call

Shortlisting candidates means eliminating those who lack the technical skill and expertise you require. Or perhaps you just don’t resonate with their portfolios. You can nix a candidate for any reason.

Again, this is an elaborate process where you analyze portfolios, contact past clients, and finally, discuss your vision with the selected web designer and get a price quote and timeline.

Look for the Right Skill Sets

A Photoshop prodigy isn’t enough to get the job done. You want someone who understands how to create a website that can meet your business objectives.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of a few skills a web designer should be proficient in. Of course, the prospects don’t need to have all the skills—just as many as possible.

Mobile Optimization 

Websites today have to be optimized for all devices, including smartphones and tablets. Therefore, all prospects should be comfortable building a mobile-first design or mobile-responsive website that has functional visual and interactive elements on all devices.

Content Management System or CMS Expertise

You can use CMS software to make updates to an already live website. These systems make it easy to add, modify and remove content from your website to improve it further.

Hire a designer who can work with at least one CMS platform—I recommend WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla—so that you don’t have to call the web designer every time you want to make a change to your website.

HTML and CSS Knowledge

Yes, you’re right: Designers don’t have to be computer programmers. However, HTML and CSS proficiency is needed as the two languages are the building blocks of websites. It’s also what distinguishes web designers from graphic designers.

Adobe Creative Suite 

Adobe Creative Suite includes Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. These are tools used to create original designs to fit their client’s needs. So, your prospects should be experts with these tools.

If a designer uses software other than Adobe Suite, ask them why they prefer it. Judge them based on how confidently they answer your question.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO Skills

Your web designer should abide by SEO best practices. It’s really the only way your website can rank higher and get you more organic traffic.

This may come as a shock to most, but designers have a crucial role in making your website visible to search engines. Gauge whether a prospect speaks confidently about SEO and if any of their past sites rank on the SERPs.

Typically, it’s best to have someone who is an expert in Photoshop and branding and has abundant knowledge about design implementation and working with a front-end developer. Familiarity with back-end technology would be a plus too.

Continuing with our non-profit example, let’s assume you want to add donation abilities to your website that’s suitable for beginners.

In this case, the web designer should use a sophisticated website builder like or Wix. Not only can both platforms easily integrate donations and offer affordable plans, but they’re also beginner-friendly, having fewer upfront capabilities.

Analyze the Portfolios of Applicants

When looking for design portfolios, you’ll find that most of the designs don’t suit your taste. This is because these designs are a reflection of the vision of their previous clients. So don’t rule them out just yet.

On the contrary, you should look for diverse work samples as it’ll give you a better idea of how the designer incorporates the client’s requests into the final result. It is how you can identify the most talented and versatile web designer.

Here’s how you can properly analyze a portfolio to shortlist candidates:

Check the Website Design

  • Is the website design visually appealing?
  • Do you think it represents the client’s brand and voice?
  • What is the designer able to communicate the goals of the business effectively?

Check Usability by Visiting the Actual Sites

  • Do the websites load quickly?
  • Do the websites look good on your laptop and a mobile device?
  • Are the websites easy to navigate?

Check the Business Potential

  • Is the point of the websites just to look pretty or to bring in actual business?
  • Do the websites have well-placed calls-to-action (CTAs)?
  • Can the web designer explain how their website helps generate new business?
  • Do the websites in the Google search results?

Check the Website Functionality

  • Does the prospect’s portfolio include sites similar to your website needs?
  • Do the websites have functionalities that you want to add to your website?
  • Can the prospective web designer explain his methodology with clarity?

Communicate With Your Designer’s Past Clients

While viewing a portfolio will give you a better idea about the website design, speaking with a prospect’s past clients will tell you how it’s like working with them.

Wondering what to ask the past clients? Here are a few pointers:

  1. What’s it like to work with the designer?
  2. How would you describe his business style, responsiveness, and creative insights?
  3. Does the designer deliver within deadlines?
  4. Were you able to launch a website on the anticipated date?
  5. How is your website performing?
  6. Did you see an uptick in leads or sales after the launch of the website?

Remember, an unhappy client may not always be the designer’s fault. Try to assess whether the problem lies with the web designer or the client.

Make the final call after going through all the applicants. Access every candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, portfolios, and most importantly, their work ethic. Finally, choose a web designer that you find the most suitable for your specific website.

java program to calculate zakat after 1 year

I have a java program realated to account management system in that program i want to calculate zakat, but the main issue is that the zakat should be calculated after 1 year. When the user create the account the current time and date should be displayed. So, pls tell me how to deduct zakat after 1 year

You Can Label a JavaScript `if` Statement

Labels are a feature that have existed since the creation of JavaScript. They aren’t new! I don’t think all that many people know about them and I’d even argue they are a bit confusing. But, as we’ll see, labels can be useful in very specific instances.

But first: A JavaScript label should not be confused with an HTML <label>, which is a completely different thing!

A JavaScript label is a way to name a statement or a block of code. Typically: loops and conditional statements. That allows you to break or continue the labeled statement from within. To apply a label to a statement, start the statement with label: and whatever you put as “label” will be the label you can reference later.

Here’s the basic syntax for a label:

let x = 0;
// Label a loop as "myLoop"
while (true) {
  if (x >= 10) {
    // This will cause "myLoop" to end.
    break myLoop;

Labels are only an internal reference to a statement and are not something that can be looked up, exported, or stored in a value. They also do not conflict with variable names, so if you really want to confuse people, you can have a loop and a variable be the same name! Please don’t do this —  future you, and anyone else that has to read your code will appreciate it. The use cases for labels are limited, but incredibly powerful in the right hands.

A brief intro to break and continue

Let’s back up a bit and talk about break and continue. A break statement will terminate the currently running loop or conditional statement. It is most commonly used in a switch statement to end a case, but it can also be used to end an if statement early, or also to cause a for or while loop to end and stop looping. It’s a great way to escape out of a conditional statement or end a loop early.

Here’s a basic example of break in use:

const x = 1;
switch(x) {
  case 1:
    console.log('On your mark!');
    break; // Doesn't check the rest of the switch statement if 1 is true
  case 2:
    console.log('Get set!');
    break; // Doesn't check the rest of the switch statement if 2 is true
  case 3:
    break; // Doesn't check the rest of the switch statement if 3 is true
// logs: 'On your mark!'

Similarly, the continue statement can be used with loops to end the current iteration early, and start the next run of the loop. This will only work inside of loops however.

Here’s continue in use:

for (let x = 0; x &< 10; x++) {
  if (x !== 5) continue; // If the number isn't five, go to the next pass of the loop.
// logs: 5

Using a label with break

Typically, a use case for labels comes up when you get into nested statements of any kind. Using them with break can stop a deeply nested loop or conditional and make it stop immediately.

Let’s get to that title of this blog post!

// Our outer if statement
if (true) {
  // Our inner if statement
  if (true) {
    break outerIf; // Immediately skips to the end of the outer if statement
  console.log('This never logs!');

There you have it, you can label an if statement.

Using a label with continue

There have been times where I have made a nested loop and wanted to skip over some iterations of the outer loop while inside the inner loop. I usually wind up breaking the inner loop, then checking to see if I’m in the state I want to skip, then continue the outer loop. Being able to simplify that code down into an easier to read statement is great!

let x = 0;
while (x < 10) {
  for (let y = 0; y < x; y++) {
    // This will jump back to the top of outerLoop
    if (y === 5) continue outerLoop;
  console.log('----'); // This will only happen if x < 6

Block statements and labels

Block statements in JavaScript are a way to scope your const and let variables to only a portion of your code. This can be useful if you want to localize some variables without having to create a function. The (big) caveat to this is that block statements are invalid in strict mode, which is what ES modules are by default.

Here’s a labeled block statement:

// This example throws a syntax error in an ES module
const myElement = document.createElement('p');
myConditionalBlock: {
  const myHash = window.location.hash;
  // escape the block if there is not a hash.
  if (!myHash) break myConditionalBlock;
  myElement.innerText = myHash;
console.log(myHash); // undefined

Real world usage

It took me a while to come up with a reason to use a label in everyday production code. This might be a bit of a stretch, but a place where a label in JavaScript might come in handy is to escape early from a loop while inside a switch statement. Since you can break while in a switch, being able to apply a label to a loop that ends it early could potentially make your code more efficient.

Here’s how we might use that in a calculator app:

const calculatorActions = [
  { action: "ADD", amount: 1 },
  { action: "SUB", amount: 5 },
  { action: "EQ" },
  { action: "ADD", amount: 10 }
let el = {};
let amount = 0;
calculate: while (el) {
  // Remove the first element of the calculatorActions array
  el = calculatorActions.shift();
  switch (el.action) {
    case "ADD":
      amount += el.amount;
      break; // Breaks the switch
    case "SUB":
      amount -= el.amount;
      break; // Breaks the switch
    case "EQ":
      break calculate; // Breaks the loop
      continue calculate; // If we have an action we don't know, skip it.

This way, we can bail out of the calculate loop when a condition is matched rather than allowing the script to continue!


It’s rare that you will need to use a JavaScript label. In fact, you can lead a very fulfilling career without ever knowing that this exists. But, on the offhand chance you find that one place where this syntax helps out, you’re now empowered to use it.

The post You Can Label a JavaScript `if` Statement appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Change img with javascipt without id

Hey i'm trying to change the image without the id. We can't change html so i can't use an id.
I have this:

        <img src="images/start.png" alt="start">
        <figcaption>Nog geen thema gekozen</figcaption>

And in my script:
document.querySelector('src') = "images/mode.png";
I don't know how to select it and change it.

9 Best Star Rating Plugins for WordPress in 2021 (Compared)

Are you looking for the best star rating plugins for WordPress?

Adding star ratings to your website lets your customers review your products and services while improving your social proof.

In this article, we’ll share the best star rating plugins for WordPress, so you can simply add star ratings to your WordPress website.

10 best star rating plugins for WordPress in 2021 (compared)

Why Use a Star Rating Plugin for WordPress?

A star rating plugin lets you simply add customer and client reviews to your website with built-in star ratings.

The star rating system is incredibly popular and allows your visitors to see the quality of your products and services at a glance. Star ratings act as social proof for your website visitors.

By default, WordPress does not have a built-in star rating feature, but you can easily add this with a WordPress plugin.

With a star rating plugin, you’ll be able to collect and display star ratings across your WordPress website. You can even display your star ratings with customer testimonials and reviews.

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best star rating plugins for WordPress.

1. WPForms


WPForms is the best WordPress form plugin in the market used by over 4 million WordPress users.

Not only is it the most beginner friendly form plugin, it also comes with many powerful features such as the ability to let users submit ratings through your forms.

You can easily add a star rating field to any of your forms. Simply select the Ratings field within the drag and drop form builder.

WPForms star rating setting

You can couple your star ratings with a testimonial form using the Testimonial Form Template within the Form Templates Pack addon.

This helps you collect ratings, reviews, and testimonials all in one place.

2. Facebook Social Reviews Feed – Smash Balloon

Facebook Social Reviews Feed Smash Balloon

Facebook Social Reviews Feed by Smash Balloon lets you display social reviews with a star rating from your Facebook page on your website.

If you have a ton of great reviews on your Facebook business page, then you can simply add these to your site and improve social proof.

The Custom Facebook Feed Pro plugin is the most popular Facebook feed plugin and lets you simply add a Facebook page feed to WordPress.

Smash Balloon Facebook social reviews settings

The Reviews extension lets you display your starred Facebook reviews and testimonials by adding a shortcode to your site.

Note: to use the Facebook Reviews extension, you need to purchase the Custom Facebook Feed Pro plugin.

3. Site Reviews

Site Reviews

Site Reviews lets your visitors submit star ratings between 1 and 5 stars. When you display your ratings on your site, this plugin lets you to pin your best reviews to the top, so your visitors see them first.

There’s a built-in approval system, so you can moderate ratings before they go live on your site. This prevents spam and unfair reviews from being posted and negatively impacting your business.

You also have the option to require users to log in before they’re allowed to post a star rating.

With this plugin you can quickly respond to reviews, display reviews and star ratings across your website, and more.

4. All in One SEO

AIOSEO WordPress SEO plugin

All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is the best SEO plugin for WordPress in the market. It offers the most comprehensive SEO toolkit to help you improve your rankings without difficulty.

It includes a setup wizard that’ll automatically help you choose the best SEO settings for your website.

AIOSEO also includes product review schema markup, which allows you to add star ratings that show up in the search results.

AIOSEO search engine schema

Displaying rich snippets will improve your search engine appearance and help you get more traffic to your website.

5. Easy Testimonials

Easy Testimonials

Easy Testimonials lets you enter user testimonials and reviews with a star rating from your WordPress dashboard. This is very useful if you’re using a plugin like WPForms to collect star ratings.

There are tons of entry options that let you customize each review like, the star rating, the product or service they used, the person’s name, email, and even company role.

The free version has multiple themes and blocks you can use with the WordPress block editor to display your starred reviews. Or, you can use the included shortcode to simply add reviews to your website.

6. YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews

YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews

YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews expands and improves the existing WooCommerce review section.

The standard WooCommerce review area lets users submit a basic review and star rating. But, since reviews act as social proof and are more important than ever, you’ll want to improve this area.

This plugin essentially transforms your WooCommerce review section into an Amazon review section. Your customers will be able to add a review title and attach images, along with a star rating.

You’ll also be able to display the total number of times a certain star rating was submitted for each product.

7. Rate My Post

Rate My Post

Rate My Post is a unique plugin that lets your visitors submit a star rating to your posts and pages. This is a great way to obtain feedback about what you’re writing, so you can improve.

When a user submits a star rating, they can also send you private feedback about the rating they gave.

This plugin gives you the option to display the star review before your post, to act as social proof for future readers.

It’s also equipped with a detailed stats section, so you can see which posts your readers like the most. You can even use the included top posts widget to display the posts with the highest star rating in your sidebar.

8. WP Product Review Lite

WP Product Review Lite

WP Product Review Lite is the best WordPress product review plugin. It comes with detailed product review settings, including adding a star rating for each product.

Beyond adding star ratings, you can add product features, pros and cons, add images, and more. You can also let users submit their own ratings and reviews of the product.

Adding a review is very easy. All you have to do is select the product review option when writing a blog post and fill out the review settings.

It also has a sidebar widget to display your product reviews and star ratings easily.

For more details, see our guide on how to make a niche review site in WordPress.

9. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is one of the best WordPress popup plugins and conversion tools. With this tool, you can create eye catching popups, countdown timers, floating headers, and much more.

Best of all, these can be customized entirely to deliver a targeted experience for your users, and you can add star ratings, user testimonials, etc inside your popups.

By delivering a completely customized marketing experience, you’ll easily elevate your conversions.

You can also use OptinMonster with the most popular WordPress form plugins and top email marketing services.

We hoped this article helped you find the best star rating plugins for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of the best push notification software for WordPress and our expert picks of the must have WordPress plugins for small businesses.

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The post 9 Best Star Rating Plugins for WordPress in 2021 (Compared) appeared first on WPBeginner.