Why Your Microservices Need GraphQL

While microservices offer tremendous benefits and help you stay agile, it’s important to get them right.

In this post, we are going to see how the nature of microservices makes choosing the right API layer even more important and how  GraphQL perfectly fits in it.

Survivorship Bias in Observability

During World War II, a mathematician named Abraham Wald worked on a problem –  identifying where to add armor to planes based on the aircraft that returned from missions and their bullet puncture patterns. The obvious and accepted thought was that the bullets represented the problem areas for the planes. Wald pointed out that the problem areas weren’t actually these areas, because these planes survived. He found that the missing planes had unknown data, indicating other problem areas existed. In fact, the pattern for the surviving planes showed the areas that weren’t problematic.

By McGeddon - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=53081927

NoSQL, the Cloud, and Java (Part 3): The Standards

The number of NoSQL databases is growing. There are already more than two hundred solutions divided into several categories, and this number has been increasing over time beyond popularity. One solution would be to create a standard API to simplify the use of those databases. After all, the behaviors are basic operations, but after all, what is the reason for not implementing this requirement? This article aims to discuss and update a point of these works related to the standards of NoSQL databases.

Within Info World, the article “The time for NoSQL standards is now” mentions that the critical point for related databases is that relational databases have standards. This pattern in relational databases allows, in addition to avoiding vendor lock-in, creating tools, API in programming languages, among other devices around SQL. If there is a NoSQL standard, the expectation is that the behavior will happen similarly.