Managing Secrets Deployment in GitOps Workflow


Kubernetes is an open-source system that helps to automate the deployment, autoscaling, and management of container-based applications. It is widely used for building and deploying cloud-native applications on a massive scale, leveraging the elasticity of the cloud. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and Amazon Kubernetes Service (AKS) are the popular managed services for running a production-grade, highly available Kubernetes cluster on AWS, GCP, and Azure without needing to stand up or to maintain the Kubernetes control plane.

There are many ways to spin up Kubernetes clusters either on-prem or on a public cloud (AWS, GCP, and Azure), but in today’s automation world, it is a common practice to use a continuous delivery pipeline to deploy releases to their Kubernetes cluster. As a best practice, all the YAML manifests should be version-controlled in a Git repository.