Release of RT-Thread Studio IDE v2.1.0


RT-Thread Studio IDE v2.1.0 is releasing! In my last article, you got to know the features of RT-Thread Studio and may have downloaded it for development. So let's head to see what's NEW in its v2.1.0.

Make Your Own Board Supported Packages!

RT-Thread Studio V2.1.0 offers a tool associated with tutorials, which helps developers create the BSP visually. Developers can now easily make a board support package (BSP) and upload it online via the SDK Manager. The BSP tool supports configuring the graphic configuration of dev boards, documentation, and projects. The prompt of every configuration item is shown in front of the interface to help you understand. Also, this time, the Studio team gives a sweet thought. They make the configuration information available for preview! Check out this tutorial to make a BSP by yourself.