Getting the value of a specific ID.


As the title says, my question is: how I can get the values for specific ID? For example, my plugin creates a PDF that automatically fills in with information that I get using API from my CRM platform. So, what I am trying to do now, is that in my contract template I have a section where the information must be filled in with custom attributes information (NAME of the custom attribute ID 20 = VALUE of the custom attribute ID 20).

Down below is a foreach code that get me all the custom attributes at once:

foreach ($response['attributes'] as $set) {
    echo "ID: {$set['id']},\r\n"
    . "Client ID: {$set['clientId']},\r\n"
    . "Custom Attribute ID: {$set['customAttributeId']},\r\n"
    . "Name: {$set['name']},\r\n"
    . "Key: {$set['key']},\r\n"
    . "Value: {$set['value']},\r\n"
    . "Client Zone Visible: " . ($set['clientZoneVisible'] ? "true" : "false") . "\r\n";

This is the message that I get from the foreach code when I am accessing the plugin page on my platform:

ID: 11, Client ID: 1238, Custom Attribute ID: 18, Name: USER, Key: user, Value: CT565244, Client Zone Visible: true ID: 12, Client ID: 1238, Custom Attribute ID: 19, Name: PAROLA, Key: parola, Value: qwerty1234, Client Zone Visible: true ID: 13, Client ID: 1238, Custom Attribute ID: 20, Name: Serie C.I., Key: serieCI, Value: KZ, Client Zone Visible: true ID: 14, Client ID: 1238, Custom Attribute ID: 21, Name: Numar C.I., Key: numarCI, Value: 565244, Client Zone Visible: true ID: 15, Client ID: 1238, Custom Attribute ID: 22, Name: CNP, Key: cnp, Value: 5010214261989, Client Zone Visible: true ID: 16, Client ID: 1238, Custom Attribute ID: 23, Name: Emis de, Key: emisDe, Value: SPCLEP Navodari, Client Zone Visible: true ID: 17, Client ID: 1238, Custom Attribute ID: 24, Name: Data emiterii, Key: dataEmiterii, Value: 2019-02-21, Client Zone Visible: true

And here is the HTML code where I want to get the name and value for custom attribute ID X:

&nbsp;<strong>Seria:&nbsp;</strong>SERIA BULETIN // CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE ID 20
&nbsp;<strong>NR.:&nbsp;</strong>NR. BULETIN // CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE ID 21
&nbsp;<strong>CNP:&nbsp;</strong>COD NUMERIC PERSONAL // CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE ID 22

Here is the code for $response contents:

// API doRequest - Client Information & Custom Attributes
$response = UCRMAPIAccess::doRequest(sprintf('clients/%d', $clientId),
        'fullAddress' => $cFAddress,
        'firstName' => $cFName,
        'lastName' => $cLName,
        'companyTaxId' => $cCompanyTaxID,
        'companyRegistrationNumber' => $cCompanyRegistrationNumber,
        'city' => $cCity,
        'street1' => $cStreet1,
        'street2' => $cStreet2,
        'organizationName' => $cOrganizationName,
        'invoiceStreet1' => $cInvoiceStreet1,
        'invoiceStreet2' => $cInvoiceStreet2,
        'invoiceCity' => $cInvoiceCity,
        'invoiceZipCode' => $cInvoiceZipCode,
        'attributes' => $cAttributes = [
            'name' => $cAttrName,
            'value' => $cAttrValue,
            'key' => $cAttrKey,
            'id' => $cAttributeID,