WordCamp Europe 2021 Opens Call for Speakers and Workshops

WordCamp Europe 2021 will be taking place online, June 7-10. This will be the second year in a row that the event has not been held in person due to the pandemic, but organizers are incorporating feedback from the first edition to improve upon it.

Speaker applications are now open and first-time speakers are encouraged to apply. Organizers posted a list of example topics for inspiration, including advanced development, frameworks, security, storytelling, website performance optimization, and more.

WCEU 2021 will be running two tracks, with two different presentation formats: long talks (20-minute talk with a 10-minute Q&A) and lightning talks (10-minute talk with a 5-minute Q&A). Prospective speakers are allowed to submit up to three different presentation topics on their applications. The call for speakers is open until April 24, 2021, and selected speakers will be contacted the first week of May ahead of mid-May public announcements.

WCEU organizers also plan to continue the successful tradition of hosting workshops after 77% of attendees who completed a feedback survey requested their return. Workshop sessions will be 45 minutes long and hosts will have workshop assistants available to them. Organizers are aiming to schedule a diverse lineup of workshops with topics like “Starting with WordPress,” accessibility, development, security, and SEO, to name a few.

The call for workshops is on the same timeline as speaker selection, with a closing date of April 24, 2021.