Securing Kubernetes Secrets With Conjur

Why Secure Kubernetes Secrets?

Secrets management is one of the important aspects of securing your Kubernetes cluster. Out of the box, Kubernetes uses base 64 encoding for storing them, which is not enough. You have to implement a number of security best practices on top, to prevent possible security breaches. Etcd encryption at rest, access control with RBAC, are a couple of examples of the same. Using secrets management solutions like CyberArk Conjur, not only secures them for Kubernetes but also provides other benefits as we will see in the post.

What Is Conjur?

CyberArk Conjur is a secrets manager. It helps you manage secrets in Kubernetes, as well as across applications, tools, and clouds. It offers Role Based Access Control (RBAC) with an audit trail to easily track each stored secret. It implements encryption at rest with AES-256-GCM and in transit using mTLS. Additionally, you can manage the access for each secret and can also rotate the secrets automatically.