The Death of Freedom by Software

The opinions expressed in this article are solely mine, Justin Albano, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of DZone, the editorial staff at DZone, or Catalogic Software, Inc. All research, citations, and supporting arguments have been footnoted. Any discrepancies or errors are mine alone.

There have always been concerns and debates about free speech and when and where it is appropriate to censor speech, but the pace at which we have moved towards suppression of speech in the last two months is startling. Just as observers, it is frightening the direction public opinion about speech has turned and where this path will lead us.1 As software engineers and developers, we are not afforded the luxury of being simple observers; unlike speech suppression of the past, we are the ones on the frontlines. It is no longer some obscure aberration that censors speech from on high, but it is us creating these systems that are cracking down on offensive speech. We are no longer passive on-lookers, but rather, active participants.