Accelerating the Delivery of Your Project in the Cloud in an Easy and Intuitive Way

Git is currently the most used version control within the software development world, and it is where all the code and logic of the programming are concentrated. However, it is not only from code that an application is lived. Thus, it is also necessary that there are operations settings such as database, security definition, public routes, etc. And if to simplify delivery, increase the frequency of deployments, and empower the development team, do we place operations as infrastructure as code through an interactive API within the same Git repository? With that goal, GitOps was born. This article will explore this topic by demonstrating its advantages and why a development team should get to know you to simplify your life in the cloud.

In Software, the Main Focus Is on Risk-free Delivery

Over the years of software development, the entire technology industry can experience different methodologies to deliver a program. In the beginning, there was the waterfall model, and one of the characteristics of that moment was the period to deliver a version. An annual delivery was widespread, and at that moment, an entire operation and a deployment window were needed, which took hours to complete the operation. This caused operations such as updating databases, languages, or some third-party software to be discouraged since a simple deployment means a very complex, risky, and costly operation.