Creating a .Net 5 Web app from my PHONE

Interoperability is something I care a lot about, because not having it, is the equivalent of painting yourself into a corner, becoming dependent upon obsolete components, and sometimes even obsolete hardware. Once you dive as deep into the ideas of interoperability as I have done, you get interesting results - Such as the ability to create a .Net 5 Web API from a 5 year old phone. In the video below I am illustrating this process, and showing you how you can reproduce it for yourself, using nothing but pure Magic!

Of course, the whole point about the above video, is that Magic does all the coding for me, allowing me to simply declare which database and tables I want it to wrap, through a simple to understand Web API - Which results in that my backend is "generating" HTTP backend endpoints for me, wrapping all CRUD operations from my database, inside of their own unique URL, associated with the relevant HTTP verb.