Your Input Needed to Determine Path for Jakarta EE/MicroProfile Alignment

As you are likely aware, Java EE has transitioned to Open Source governance in the Eclipse Foundation as Jakarta EE. MicroProfile has been moving forward as an independent initiative to optimize enterprise Java for microservices architectures. The Cloud Native for Java (CN4J) Alliance has recently been formed to promote better alignment between Jakarta EE and MicroProfile.

One of the key issues to sort out is how Jakarta EE can consume MicroProfile specifications (such as MicroProfile Configuration). There are several alternatives as to how this could be done. The following is a brief analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, as discussed in the CN4J community thus far. At the end of the analysis, there is a survey you should weigh in on. In addition to choosing the option you believe to be best, it is very valuable to provide comments justifying your preferred alternative. The results of the survey will be shared with the CN4J community and key decision-makers.