Hello World! From: Me

Daniweb was kind enough to send me an email reminding me that my account was still active. So I decided on a random day to come back in and see what's going on?! I haven't programmed anything in over one year and I'm not sure what/if I will make in the future. It would be cool to use this forum to help do it though. How are you doing? Are you working on any big projects or is it mostly hobby side projects? Games or Apps for PC/Mac? Linux? I would have loved to make programming a career but I just didn't invest enough time into it to get past the most basic levels of programming. I did make a full scale inventory/work order management software using Microsoft VBA behind Access, Excel, and outlook once. That counts but that's as far as I took it. I did learn the basics of physics using Lua and Corona. That was pretty fun but I didn't complete the project. I've used Alpha software too for that same inventory management / CRM software. I'm just curious what other kinds of things people are into these days. Anyhow... Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear back from you about some of your interests. Thanks! - War