AI Is Booming Vaccine Supply Chain—From Blockchain To Big Data

COVID-19 cases are increasing at an astonishing rate around the globe. 96.2 million cases have occurred globally, out of which 2.06 million people have died. This immense rate of patient’s data production has paved the way for new innovative data storage technologies. This data is utilized afterward to predict and analyze pandemic measures to fight post-pandemic virus conditions. 

According to a study,  ISARIC4C is collecting data of patients who are suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic from over 250 hospitals in the United Kingdom. Big data is an innovative technology that can be utilized by health care centers to store an enormous amount of patient information. This helps in developing a better understanding of the nature of this virus, and this collected information can also be further utilized for future prevention methods. This technology helps in storing all sorts of data i.e. the infected, recovered, and the number of deceased people. Prediction models have been developed by researchers which need to be fed a lot of data. The 4C deterioration model is designed using ISARIC4C data to predict the risk of COVID-19.