How to Build IoT Infrastructure and App Using AWS IoT

There are numerous IoT platforms available in the market that can help you handle the challenges of building IoT applications. But, it is vital to choose a suitable and effective platform to create such diverse applications. Amazon Web Services IoT platform is one of the most sought-after platforms for developing IoT applications. But before getting into the technicalities of building IoT applications on AWS IoT, we must understand the platform in detail. In this article, we will talk about:

  1. What is AWS IoT?
  2. What are the features of AWS IoT?
  3. How does AWS IoT work?
  4. Why should you choose the AWS IoT platform?
  5. What are the use cases of AWS IoT?
  6. How to create an IoT infrastructure and build an IoT app using AWS IoT?

Let’s begin by understanding the concept of AWS IoT.