The Cloud Is Booming, so Is the Cloud Spending

Cloud waste is proving to be a major hurdle for CTOs and CEOs. According to, enterprises will waste more than $17 billion in cloud spend on excess and idle resources in 2020. Most organizations opine that almost 40% of their cloud spend is buried into unused and over-provisioned infrastructure. It is expected that more than 90% of organizations will implement public cloud migration in 2020 and the years to come. Due to the wider adoption of public cloud migration services, public cloud customers are anticipated to spend over $50 billion on Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) from managed service providers, such as Microsoft Azure, AWS, and Google. 

The expansion of infrastructure within existing accounts has also brought about this growth in adoption and subsequent spending. But the growth in spending often exceeds the business growth. A large portion of what enterprises are spending on cloud is wasted, leading to risk.