Why Observability Is the Next Big Thing in Security

Observability for Application Security Is a Must-have

It's not easy to tell modern security stories to users of legacy security solutions still attached to squeezing some fading security value from network-based perimeter walls. Organizations and their application security teams still find it hard to justify the obvious need for true operational change in application development and deployment (cloud adoption sits at 46%), even as software — now in the form of complex, high-velocity, and distributed cloud architectures — continues to rapidly become the only known way to effectively grow a modern business.

Still, the fact is software developers and cross-functional teams will not wait and have simply taken application security away from SecOps because a new paradigm of observability for security purposes has emerged as a core requirement for effective protection of modern applications in the cloud. Today's complex, distributed, and ephemeral challenges brought forward by next-generation cloud adoption are the new critical roadblocks that enterprises must solve to achieve rapid business grow: either adopt a technology stack that delivers observability for security or lack the ability to effectively secure your cloud applications.