How to Convert a PDF to PNG or JPG in Java

For sharing documents both in hardcopy and digitally, the PDF file format is the preferred choice. Because of its high-versatility and compatibility between different operating systems, the PDF format allows users to create, edit, encrypt, and lock important documents for viewing on any browser or with any PDF viewing application such as Adobe Acrobat. Furthermore, its flexibility means that almost any other file type can be converted into PDF format without loss of quality or corruption of formatting. This means that complex file types such as DOCX and XLSX documents can be converted and shared easily in a protected format that will limit the chance of accidental edits or formatting errors.

However, if you are planning to display examples or insert an image of a PDF document in a separate file or web page, converting your PDF files to an image array will be more useful. For example, if you are creating a PowerPoint showing the on-boarding process for your organization and need to include images of different documents or contracts associated with the process, converting your PDF files into JPG will allow you to quickly and effortlessly insert the image and scale or crop it according to the needs of your presentation. When performing a similar process for a web page, having your document available as a PNG image will optimize it for viewing online within your website. It also prevents users from downloading and editing the document as would be possible with a PDF.