What if the Customer Can’t Reproduce Your Bug?

Software quality assurance and testing is a complicated procedure that requires dedication, technical expertise, an eye for detail, and hours of work. Testers are people who dive deep into your product and have a major impact on the final project outcomes. That’s why it is so important that the product owners understand well not only the importance of software testing but its pain points from within for more effective communication. Today’s post focuses on bug reproduction issues that usually remain behind the scenes for everyone but testers, which isn’t always good for the whole software project quality.

“Can’t Reproduce” — What Are We Doing Wrong?

Many software testers sooner or later face a problem when a customer/their team can’t reproduce a reported bug. A bug that you spent time and effort investigating. You tried so hard to report it back clearly and concisely, and yet they throw the “can’t reproduce” verdict in your face.