This might be a little long winded but

Ok. This might be a little long winded but i will try to give as much information as possilbe. I started with Office 2003 and then tried the 2007 Student trial version. When it expired I could not get it to uninstall so I dealt with the annoying problem until my university got the Office Pro Plus 2007 Win 32 version for us students and installed it thinking it would fix the problem. It didn't. So I uninstalled 2007 and 2003, then used a registry cleaner to get rid of all of the old office entries that were dead and left over from the Student Version. Now I am trying to reinstall 2007 Pro and I keep getting the following error before it backs out and quits. It says it cannot find the file Office.en-us\OfficeMUI.msi even though I can find it by exploring the cd. What can I do to make this work for me?