Sluggish Spring Boot Tests Riddle

Most of us have faced beliefs that go unquestioned. Such ideas can vary from small daily matters such as grocery shopping to something as serious as religious matters. In my case, it was a professional belief, specifically whether or not integration tests are too slow.

There was a belief in our squad (and our chapter as well) that integration tests were slow and this belief made us not put this issue in our technical debts backlog and we all accepted it as a fact. It continued until the build time in some microservices exceeded 10 minutes and teammates started complaining about them. The first reaction was avoiding integration tests as much as possible and using unit tests instead. I know that it is not a wise decision against which there are many arguments, but It was the decision that the team made. In this post, we will see how this issue got resolved and the build time in our microservices decreased to half.