Translate your app in 2 seconds to 200 languages you don’t know

If you have worked with enterprise software, you've probably been asked to translate your app at some point. This implies translating small pieces of text, such as buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc. This process often implies exporting CSV files from some database, sending these files to the employee doing the translation, importing the files into the database afterwards, etc. It's normally an insanely manual process, requiring some of your most expensive employees, working with the problem for hours and sometimes days. With Magic you can completely automate this process however.

In the above video, I demonstrate how you can automate this job, by looking up entities you need to translate using Google Translate. I've used this pattern myself several times, and Google Translate actually does a decent job 95% of the times, especially for Latin languages. Sometimes it'll mess up things for far east languages, such as Japanese, Chinese, etc - But for these cases, you can easily edit the translated entity afterwards, by giving access to the "translation app" to some back office worker responsible for that language.