Seriously, OOP sux!

I have decided I will commit several murders. My first victim will be OOP, or to be specific; Your assumptions about OOP. However, don't believe me, let's ask people smarter than me, right? Some wise guy once said "You want the banana, you get the gorilla, holding a banana, in the rainforest". I can't remember who it was, but he was talking about reuse in regards to OOP. I've got 20+ years of professional experience in OO, I think I'm still quoted in regards to virtual copy constructors in a couple of the C++ drafts, and I've got almost 3 digits numbers of emails back and forth with Bjarne Stroustrup in regards to the std - Hence, I (should) know what I'm talking about, and believe me, OOP seriously sux! If you're a noob programmer, trying to grasp polymorphism, constructors, inheritance, SOLID and encapsulation - Don't worry, it's not you - It's OOP!

But don't believe me, let's go ask 1.000 random software developers who's the best software developer on this planet. 999 of those will probably answer Thorvalds Linus. So let's ask Thorvalds what he thinks about OOP. He should know, right ...?