How to Operate Less and Innovate More Using Observability and AI

From software engineers to CEOs, everyone wants more time to think strategically instead of tactically executing tasks. While checking those tasks off your to-do list is important, and usually essential, are they the best use of your time? Humans prefer to do rather than to think, but those million-dollar ideas come from thinking. How can we fit more time into our day to make that happen? Unfortunately, we can’t. Time is finite, and we only have 24 hours in a day. But, what we can do is take some of those tasks off our plate. And I’m not talking about through a hiring spree, but rather investing in technology that can do the work for us. 

 This is especially true for DevOps practitioners and SRE teams who face enormous amounts of data and customer-facing issues. Today’s business leaders are pushing for their teams to spend more time innovating and less time fixing issues, yet some leaders haven’t invested in the technology to empower their teams to do so. By bringing AI-driven observability to DevOps, these issues can be addressed proactively through automation. As a result, teams can save hundreds of hours of work per year, empowering them to innovate more, operate less, and unlock their true potential. Let’s look at a few ways DevOps pros and SRE teams can leverage observability and AI to operate less and innovate more.