Astounding Examples Of Three.js In Action

Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library and API used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser using WebGL. You can learn more about it here. In today’s post we are sharing some amazing examples of this library in action for your inspiration and learning. Let’s get to it!

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Particles & Waves

A very nicely done animation that responds to the mouse position.

See the Pen three.js canvas – particles – waves by deathfang (@deathfang) on CodePen.dark

Procedurally Generated Minimal Environment

A rotating mountain terrain grid animation.

See the Pen Procedurally generated minimal environment by Marc Tannous (@marctannous) on CodePen.dark

Particle Head

Similar to the particles and waves animation above, this one shows particles in the 3D shape of a head that moves with your mouse.

See the Pen WebGL particle head by Robert Bue (@robbue) on CodePen.dark

The Cube

Try to not spend hours playing this addictive game!

See the Pen The Cube by Boris Šehovac (@bsehovac) on CodePen.dark

Three.js Particle Plane and Universe

Here’s another one to play with using mouse movements, clicks and arrow keys.

See the Pen Simple Particle Plane & Universe :) by Unmesh Shukla (@unmeshpro) on CodePen.dark

Text Animation

A somewhat mind-boggling text animation that can also be controlled by your mouse.

See the Pen THREE Text Animation #1 by Szenia Zadvornykh (@zadvorsky) on CodePen.dark

Distortion Slider

Cool transition animation between slides. Click on the navigation dots to check it out.

See the Pen WebGL Distortion Slider by Ash Thornton (@ashthornton) on CodePen.dark

Torus Tunnel

This one will probably hurt your eyes if you look too long.

See the Pen Torus Tunnel by Mombasa (@Mombasa) on CodePen.dark

Three.js Round

This one is a beautifully captivating animation.

See the Pen three.js round 1 by alex baldwin (@cubeghost) on CodePen.dark

3D Icons

Nice animation of icons flying into becoming various words.

See the Pen Many Icons in 3D using Three.js by Yasunobu Ikeda a.k.a @clockmaker (@clockmaker) on CodePen.dark


A great sci-fi effect featuring an infinite worm hole.

See the Pen WormHole by Josep Antoni Bover (@devildrey33) on CodePen.dark

Three.js + TweenMax Experiment

Another captivating animation that is difficult to walk away from.

See the Pen Three.js + TweenMax (Experiment) by Noel Delgado (@noeldelgado) on CodePen.dark

Three.js Point Cloud Experiment

Another particle-type animation that responds to mouse movements.

See the Pen Three Js Point Cloud Experiment by Sean Dempsey (@seanseansean) on CodePen.dark


More 3D particles in a hypnotizing endless movement.

See the Pen Gravity (three.js / instancing / glsl) by Martin Schuhfuss (@usefulthink) on CodePen.dark

Rushing rapid in a forest by Three.js

For our last example, check out this somewhat simple geometric scene with an endlessly flowing waterfall.

See the Pen 33 | Rushing rapid in a forest by Three.js by Yiting Liu (@yitliu) on CodePen.dark

Are You Already Using Three.js In Your Projects?

Whether you are already using Three.js in your projects, are in the process of learning how to use it, or have been inspired to start learning it now, these examples should help you with further inspiration or to get a glimpse of how it can be done. Be sure to check out our other collections for more inspiration and insight into web design and development!