Reading AWS S3 File Content to Kafka Topic

Apache Camel

Apache Camel is an open-source framework for message-oriented middleware with a rule-based routing and mediation engine that provides a Java object-based implementation of the Enterprise Integration Patterns using an application programming interface to configure routing and mediation rules

Red Hat AMQ Streams

Red Hat AMQ Streams is a massively-scalable, distributed, and high-performance data streaming platform based on the Apache ZooKeeper and Apache Kafka projects.

Introduction to PDO Extension: How to Use PDO for Different Databases

In this article, we will talk about what a PDO is, why is it necessary, and how to work with it.
Let's start with the fact that for a long time php-programmers have been discussing the fate of the native functions to work with the database: mysql_connect, mysql_query, and others. The fact is that in upcoming versions of PHP data will be erased, these functions will go "Obsolete". Thus PHP developers should force on other tools to work with the database.

Currently, there are two alternatives solutions; mysqli extension and expansion of PDO. In this article, we will discuss PDO.
PDO - PHP Data Objects - is a layer that offers a versatile way to work with multiple databases.
This layer has several advantages:
  • PDO allows you to work with different databases, such as: MYSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and many others.
  • PDO allows you to work with a prepared statement
Now let's talk about all this in more detail.

Connecting to a Database Using PDO

Before you start working with PDO, you must make sure that you have the correct extension - php_pdo_mysql.dll. This can be verified through the function phpinfo(). If everything is okay, you are good to go.

First we need to connect to the database:


/ / MuSQL

    $Database = new PDO ("mysql: host = $ host; dbname = $Databasename", $username, $password); 

/ / PostgreSQL

    $Database = new PDO ("pgsql: host = $ host; dbname = $Databasename", $username, $password);

/ / MS SQL

    $Database = new PDO ("mssql: host = $ host; dbname = $Databasename", $username, $password); 

/ / SQLite

    $Database = new PDO ("sqlite: my / database / path / database.db");

As you can see from the example, each database connection string is slightly different from each other
You should always use try/catch when you are trying to connect to the unit, so that on exception we do not disclosed any data to the user.


try {
    $Database = new PDO ("mysql: host = $ host; dbname = $Databasename", $username, $password); 
catch (PDOException $ e) { 
    echo "Unable to connect to database"; 

Browser Access to Postman Now Available

Postman has launched Postman for the web. The new browser interface offers developers easy access and increased collaboration with others. In a press release, the company described the new product as “somewhat of a return to Postman’s original roots.”

KPIs for APIs: How They Are Used in The Real World [Video]

APIs are an essential component of today's digitalization and digital transformation efforts. But how can you define and measure the status and success of individual APIs, API landscapes, API programs, and API platforms? Eric Horesnyi, Catalyst at Axway, conducted a study of real-world key performance indicators (KPIs) that large organizations are using for their API initiatives.

No organization would create and offer products without having a plan for how to manage them, and the very same thing is true for APIs.

KPIs for APIs

In order to manage APIs effectively, it is important to treat them as products, or rather, to make APIs part of the product management practice. And while KPIs are not the only thing necessary for managing APIs as a product, it is important to have them so that there are clear objectives about what should be achieved, and clear ways of how to measure progress and success.

WordPress Plugin Authors Should Avoid Confusing Users When Naming Blocks

On May 4, the StudioPress development team made a small but significant user-facing change to its Atomic Blocks plugin (now rebranded to Genesis Blocks). It removed the “AB” branding from its block titles. This minor update changed block titles such as AB Accordion and AB Button to Accordion and Button, respectively. On the surface, this change probably seemed of little consequence to the developers on the project. However, for at least one user, it created a massive workload.

Unless users religiously followed the GitHub code commits, they would have missed this update. Stacked with several other code changes for a seemingly unrelated ticket, the team left a message that read, “Remove unnecessary ‘AB’ from block titles.”

The change made it into version 2.8.2 of the plugin, which launched a day later.

The problem was that there was no message in the change log that noted this. Users had no indication that the blocks from the plugin were being renamed. Typically, this would not be a big deal since the plugin team had merely dropped the “AB” prefix from the otherwise unchanged titles. However, what happens when one of those blocks’ titles matches a core block title?

That was the issue that Marcus Tibesar ran into. The AB Button block suddenly became the Button block. Thinking he was using the core WordPress Button, he made liberal use of it throughout his site. Throw in his decision to drop the plugin after StudioPress rebranded its plugin to Genesis Blocks, it became a bit of a disaster to clean up.

“I have been using the Button block for months now only to discover that I’m actually using the Atomic Blocks button block!” wrote Tibesar in a comment on the Atomic Blocks rebranding post.

Theoretically, he should have needed to update only any lingering blocks from Atomic Blocks that he had knowingly used. But, he was stuck with blocks that he had unknowingly added to his posts and pages through no fault of his own.

This particular scenario was made worse because WordPress 5.4, released on March 31, introduced a new Buttons (plural) block. The old single Button block was removed from the normal inserter. While not all block-naming issues are so convoluted, it still begs the question: how can plugin authors avoid causing these types of user-experience issues?

It is easy to throw blame toward StudioPress — and the team could perhaps use a scolding for not being clear about the change when it happened. However, this brings forth a couple of things the greater WordPress community needs to figure out. The first is whether plugin authors need to use a consistent, prefixed naming scheme for their blocks. The second is what can WordPress do to help mitigate issues.

Prefix All the Things

Screenshot of adding button blocks from multiple plugins to the editor.
Buttons, buttons, and more buttons.

That is the common saying in the WordPress development world, right? Prefixing and namespacing guidelines generally apply to the actual code, which is where conflicts arise. However, there are times when prefixing public-facing text is warranted.

And those times are when plugins utilize a shared space.

The block editor is one such shared space. With more and more block plugins landing in the directory, it is time that plugin authors consider how block-naming schemes affect end-users. The issue is certainly not limited to Atomic/Genesis Blocks. This has been an ongoing trend with several block library plugins. Some do better than others, but it’s a toss-up each time a user installs such a plugin.

The easiest route is for plugin authors to simply prefix all custom blocks with their company branding (e.g., AB Button). On the other hand, not every block shares a title with one of the core blocks. For example, a block titled Product Carousel may not need to distinguish itself further from other blocks. It is unlikely that end-users are running multiple eCommerce plugins with blocks that share the same title.

“All, repeat all, should have a prefix,” said Tibesar. “The prefixes eliminate any confusion as to whether we users are selecting a core block or a third-party block. The most popular plugins appear at the top of the list, and it’s confusing from whence they came when prefixes are absent.”

At the very least, third-party blocks should have a prefix if their titles match one of the core blocks. End-users should not see two different Cover blocks in the block inserter, for example. Instead, they should see the core Cover and a second, uniquely-titled block. Prefixing is an easy way to do that. But, I could live with anything that does not cause user confusion.

Locating Instances of Block Usage

Screenshot of the Manage Blocks screen prototype for WordPress.
Manage Blocks screen.

In late 2019, the Gutenberg team released the first prototype of a potential block management area for the WordPress admin. The Manage Blocks screen from the prototype showcased an area that would allow users to manage every block on their site. One of the more important bits of information on this screen was an “Instances” count, which displayed the number of times a block was in use. It further linked to a screen with every post that had a particular block.

One of the reasons this feature is important is that it would allow end-users to locate posts that they may want to clean up. Using the Atomic/Genesis Button block as an example, Tibesar could track down all those old uses and make any changes he wanted.

He said he would absolutely welcome this feature in WordPress. “New users are tempted to load up on zillions of block plugins all to be forgotten later. Also, maintainers would use this tool when cleaning up broken sites. Just being able to see an overview of what blocks were used where, will allow publishers to dial back the number of block plugins installed on their sites, especially when new plugins and technologies emerge.”

Because this feature is not in core yet, he had to turn to the Find My Blocks plugin, which helped him identify 22 posts and pages where he had unknowingly used the Button block from Atomic/Genesis Blocks. In the long term, this is something that needs to be handled directly in WordPress. It is unlikely to be the last time a user needs to clean house and get rid of old blocks.

How to print error message when the search result is not found in file(c++)

The problem I face is since I use this type of loop to achieve the delete function, i really don't know where should i put the "else" statement when the searching result is not found in the file. Because the while loop need to run whether the result is found or not found. Someone pls help me tq!!!

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <conio.h>

int main() {
    cout << "   Delete Function    " << endl;
    int option;
    string line, name;
    cout << "Please Enter the ID of record you want to delete: ";
    cin >> name;
    ifstream myfile;
    ofstream temp;"studentrecord.txt");"temp.txt");
    cout << endl;
    int total=0;
    while (getline(myfile, line)) {
        if ((line != name) && !(skip > 0)) {
            temp << line << endl;
        else {
            if (line != ";") {
                cout << line << endl;
            if (skip == 0) {
                skip = 10;
            else {

        cout << endl;
        cout << "You sure you want to delete the following record ?" << endl;
        cout << "[1=Yes]" << endl;
        cout << "[2=No]" << endl;
        cin >> option;
        if (option == 1) {
            cout << "The record with the ID " << name << " has been deleted " << endl;
            rename("temp.txt", "PropertyRecord_linebyline.txt");
        else if (option == 2) {
            cout << "Press enter to back to menu" << endl;


Reactive Vue 3 State


There's been a lot of discussion about state management in the upcoming Vue 3 framework. Some writers go as far as declaring Vuex dead. Reactivity is all we need, is the claim. Just like blockchain was supposed to cure all problems of modern civilization ;-) Jokes aside, it does look like an intriguing possibility, so we've taken a challenge and explored it in this article.


Vue 3 Reactivity System, now free of UI confines, can be efficiently employed as a powerful tool to handle state. This requires extra plumbing though, with no batteries included. If you want to get straight to technical details, scroll down to Reactive proposal for application state chapter below.

Implementing Dataweave Crypto With Mulesoft

MuleSoft provides various functions to encrypt the fields within Dataweave transformation and it can be achieved using various algorithms like MD5, SHA1, etc.

To use Crypto in the Datawave, one must import Crypto by using import dw::Crypto

What is Persistent ETL and Why Does it Matter?

If you’ve made it to this blog you’ve probably heard the term “persistent” thrown around with ETL, and are curious about what they really mean together. Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) is the generic concept of taking data from one or more systems and placing it in another system, often in a different format. Persistence is just a fancy word for storing data. Simply put, persistent ETL is adding a storage mechanism to an ETL process. That pretty much covers the what, but the why is much more interesting… 

ETL processes have been around forever. They are a necessity for organizations that want to view data across multiple systems. This is all well and good, but what happens if that ETL process gets out of sync? What happens when the ETL process crashes? What about when one of the end systems updates? These are all very real possibilities when working with data storage and retrieval systems. Adding persistence to these processes can help ease or remove many of these concerns. 

Java Integer Cache: Why Integer.valueOf(127) == Integer.valueOf(127) Is True

According to our calculations, Integer.valueOf(127) == Integer.valueOf(127) is true.

In an interview, one of my friends was asked: If we have two Integer objects, Integer a = 127; Integer b = 127; Why does a == b evaluate to true when both are holding two separate objects? In this article, I will try to answer this question and explain the answer.

You may also like:  The Internal Cache of Integers

Short Answer

The short answer to this question is, direct assignment of an int literal to an Integer reference is an example of auto-boxing concept where the literal value to object conversion code is handled by the compiler, so during compilation phase compiler converts Integer a = 127; to Integer a = Integer.valueOf(127);.

Collective #621

Collective 621 item image

Shader Studies: Matrix Effect

Shahriar Shahrabi wrote this break down of the matrix shader effect written by Will Kirby and also implemented a real time matrix Shader in Unity 3D with Triplanar mapping.

Read it

Collective 621 item image


A CSS-in-JS library with near-zero runtime, server-side rendering and multi-variant support.

Check it out

Collective 621 item image

Increment: APIs

This issue of Increment explores all things APIs—from their prehistory to their future, their design and development to their opportunities and impacts.

Check it out

The post Collective #621 appeared first on Codrops.

How to Simplify SVG Code Using Basic Shapes

There are different ways to work with icons, but the best solution always includes SVG, whether it’s implemented inline or linked up as an image file. That’s because they’re “drawn” in code, making them flexible, adaptable, and scalable in any context.

But when working with SVG, there’s always the chance that they contain a lot of unnecessary code. In some cases, the code for an inline SVG can be long that it makes a document longer to scroll, uncomfortable to work with, and, yes, a little bit heavier than it needs to be.

We can work around this reusing chunks of code with the <use> element or apply native variables to manage our SVG styles from one place. Or, if we’re working in a server-side environment, we can always sprinkle in a little PHP (or the like) to extract the contents of the SVG file instead of dropping it straight in.

That’s all fine, but wouldn’t be great if we could solve this at the file level instead of resorting to code-based approaches? I want to focus on a different perspective: how to make the same figures with less code using basic shapes. This way, we get the benefits of smaller, controllable, and semantic icons in our projects without sacrificing quality or visual changes. I’ll go through different examples that explore the code of commonly used icons and how we can redraw them using some of the easiest SVG shapes we can make.

Here are the icons we’ll be working on:

Showing an close icon in the shape of an x, a clock with the hands pointing at 3 o-clock, and a closed envelope.

Let’s look at the basic shapes we can use to make these that keep the code small and simple.

Psssst! Here is a longer list of simple icons I created on! After this article, you’ll know how to modify them and make them your own.

Simplifying a close icon with the <line> element

This is the code for the “close” or “cross” icon that was downloaded from and built by pixel-perfect:

In this example, everything is happening inside the <path> with lots of commands and parameters in the data attribute (d). What this SVG is doing is tracing the shape from its borders.

A quick demonstration using

If you are familiar with Illustrator, this is the equivalent of drawing two separate lines, converting them to shape, then combining both with the pathfinder to create one compound shape.

The <path> element allows us to draw complex shapes, but in this case, we can create the same figure with two lines, while keeping the same appearance:

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 50 50" width="50" height="50" overflow="visible" stroke="black" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round">
   <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="50" y2="50" />
   <line x1="50" y1="0" x2="0" y2="50" />

We started by defining a viewBox that goes from 0,0 to 50,50. You can choose whatever dimensions you prefer; the SVG will always scale nicely to any width and height you define. To make things easier, in this case, I also defined an inline width and height of 50 units, which avoids extra calculations in the drawing.

To use the <line> element, we declare the coordinates of the line’s first point and the coordinates of its last point. In this specific case, we started from x=0 y=0 and ended at x=50 y=50.

Grid of the coordinate system.

Here’s how that looks in code:

<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="50" y2="50" />

The second line will start from x=50 y=0 and end at x=0 y=50:

<line x1="50" y1="0" x2="0" y2="50" />

An SVG stroke doesn’t have a color by default — that’s why we added the black value on the stroke attribute. We also gave the stroke-width attribute a width of 10 units and the stroke-linecap a round value to replicate those rounded corners of the original design. These attributes were added directly to the <svg> tag so both lines will inherit them.

<svg ... stroke="black" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round" ...>

Now that the stroke is 10 units bigger that its default size of 1 unit, the line might get cropped by the viewBox. We can either move the points 10 units inside the viewBox or add overflow=visible to the styles.

The values that are equal to 0 can be removed, as 0 is the default. That means the two lines end up with two very small lines of code:

<line x2="50" y2="50" />
<line x1="50" y2="50" />

Just by changing a <path> to a <line>, not only did we make a smaller SVG file, but a more semantic and controllable chunk of code that makes any future maintenance much easier. And the visual result is exactly the same as the original.

Same cross, different code.

Simplifying a clock icon with the <circle> and <path> elements

I took this example of a clock icon created by barracuda from The Noun Project:

This shape was also drawn with a <path>, but we also have a lot of namespaces and XML instructions related to the software used and the license of the file that we can delete without affecting the SVG. Can you tell what illustration editor was used to create the icon?

Let’s recreate this one from scratch using a circle and a path with simpler commands. Again, we need to start with a viewBox, this time from 0,0 to 100,100, and with a width and height matching those units.

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="100" height="100" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40"/>
  <path d="M50 25V50 H75" /> 

We keep the same styles as the previous icon inside the <svg> tag. fill is black by default, so we need to explicitly give it a none value to remove it. Otherwise, the circle will have have a solid black fill, obscuring the other shapes.

To draw the <circle> we need to indicate a center point from where the radius will sit. We can achieve that with cx (center x) and cy (center y). Then r (radius) will declare how big our circle will be. In this example, the radius is slightly smaller than the viewBox, so it doesn’t get cropped when the stroke is 10 units wide.

What’s up with all those letters? Check out Chris Coyier’s illustrated guide for a primer on the SVG syntax.

We can use a <path> for the clock hands because it has some very useful and simple commands to draw. Inside the d (data) we must start with the M (move to) command followed by the coordinates from where we’ll start drawing which, in this example, is 50,25 (near the top-center of the circle). 

After the V (vertical) command, we only need one value as we can only move up or down with a negative or positive number. A positive number will go down. The same for H (horizontal) followed by a positive number, 75, that will draw toward the right. All commands are uppercase, so the numbers we choose will be points in the grid. If we decided to use lowercase (relative commands) the numbers will be the amount of units that we move in one direction and not an absolute point in the coordinate system.

Same clock, different code.

Simplifying an envelope icon with the <rect> and <polyline> elements

I drew the envelope icon in Illustrator without expanding the original shapes. Here’s the code that came from the export:

Illustrator offers some SVG options to export the graphic. I chose “Style Elements” in the “CSS Properties” dropdown so I can have a <style> tag that contains classes that I might want to move to a CSS file. But there are different ways to apply the styles in SVG, of course.

We already have basic shapes in this code! I unselected the “Shape to paths” option in Illustrator which helped a lot there. We can optimize this further with SVGOMG to remove the comments, XML instructions, and unnecessary data, like empty elements. From there, we can manually remove other extras, if we need to.

We already have something a little more concise:

<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" x="0" y="0" viewBox="0 0 310 190" xml:space="preserve">
  </style><rect x="5" y="5" class="st0" width="300" height="180"/>
  <polyline class="st0" points="5 5 155 110 305 5"/>

We can remove even more stuff without affecting the visual appearance of the envelope, including: 

  • version="1.1" (this has been deprecated since SVG 2)
  • id="Layer_1" (this has no meaning or use)
  • x="0" (this is a default value)
  • y="0" (this is a default value)
  • xml:space="preserve" (this has been deprecated since SVG 2)
<svg xmlns="" x="0" y="0" viewBox="0 0 310 190">
  <rect x="5" y="5" class="st0" width="300" height="180"/>
  <polyline class="st0" points="5 5 155 110 305 5"/>

We can move the CSS styles to a separate stylesheet if we really want to get really aggressive.

<rect> needs a starting point from where we’ll extend a width and a height, so let’s use  x="5" and y="5" which is our top-left point. From there, we will create a rectangle that is 300 units wide with a height of 180 units. Just like the clock icon, we’ll use 5,5 as the starting point because we have a 10-unit stroke that will get cropped if the coordinates were located at 0,0.

<polyline> is similar to <line>, but with an infinite amount of points that we define, like pairs of coordinates, one after the other, inside the points attribute, where the first number in the pair will represent x and the second will be y. It’s easier to read the sequence with commas, but those can be replaced with whitespace without having an impact on the result.

Same envelope, different code.

Bonus shapes!

I didn’t include examples of icons that can be simplified with <polygon> and <ellipse> shapes, but here is a quick way to use them.

<polygon> is the same as <polyline>, only this element will always define a closed shape. Here’s an example that comes straight from MDN:

Remember the circle we drew earlier for the clock icon? Replace the r (radius) with rx and ry. Now you have two different values for radius. Here’s another example from MDN:

Wrapping up

We covered a lot here in a short amount of time! While we used examples to demonstrates the process of optimizing SVGs, here’s what I hope you walk away with from this post:

  • Remember that compression starts with how the SVG is drawn in illustration software.
  • Use available tools, like SVOMG, to compress SVG.
  • Remove unnecessary metadata by hand, if necessary.
  • Replace complex paths with basic shapes.
  • <use> is a great way to “inline” SVG as well as for establishing your own library of reusable icons.

How many icons can be created by combining these basic shapes? 

I’m working my list on, I’ll be constantly uploading more icons and features here, and now you know how to easily modified them just by changing a few numbers. Go ahead and make them yours!

The post How to Simplify SVG Code Using Basic Shapes appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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How to check internet connection using C# language

Hello guys,
It my frist topic in this forum so i hopeI hope you like it

In this topic we w'll learn how to check internet connection using a simple code.
frist make a new project And add a label and timer .
second Double click on timer to type code .

bool con = Networkinterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable();
if (con == true(
lable1.text="your are connect";
label1.text="you are not connected";

You can watch the explanation from hereClick Here

4 Ways To Creatively Use Icons In Your Mobile Apps

There’s nothing novel about using icons within mobile apps. From the home screen icon to the navigation menu, they’re pretty much a standard part of the apps that designers build.

They come with big benefits too:

  • Minimized distractions,
  • More attractive UIs,
  • Empowerment of users to easily engage with the app,
  • Elimination of language barriers,
  • Improvement of brand recognizability.

But are we using icons as best as we can or are there ways to improve the mobile UX even further with iconography? Today, I want to look at a number of ways you can creatively add icons or icon-like elements to your apps and bring more life (and engagement) to them in the process.

Making The Most Out Of Icons

Icons are super useful design elements for mobile interfaces. While we do have to be careful with icons (like making sure navigational icons are always paired with text as well as not using so many that the interface becomes like a puzzle to be solved), there are some additional use cases I want you to consider:

1. Show Hints Of Branded Icons Throughout The App

Users will first get a glimpse of an app’s branded logo icon from the app store. Once installed, this icon will become a persistent presence on the user’s smart device, which will foster greater awareness of the app.

What I’ve noticed with many apps, though, is that the brand icon doesn’t often appear past that point. In some cases, it makes total sense. An app isn’t like a website that needs that steady logo anchor so users can always quickly get “Home”. But…

I can’t help but feel like small branded elements throughout could add a unique touch to the experience. They wouldn’t detract from the experience. Instead, they’d show up in bite-sized chunks that add something extra to the experience.

One example I really like is the CheapOair app. This is the logo that appears when a user first opens it. It’s the same one that appears at the top of the corresponding website:

Now, if you were to look at the app store page for CheapOair or how it appears on a user’s home screen, you’d see that the full logo isn’t used. Instead, users see the luggage-shaped “O” icon:

It’s unique. It’s memorable. And it works well in tiny spaces, like as the desktop favicon or on smaller mobile screens.

Now, for an app like CheapOair that aggregates travel listings from different airlines, hotels, car rental agencies and so on, it’s only natural to expect some lag time as users move through the app. And while the designers could’ve used a more traditional loading icon (like the spinning wheel or progress bar), it uses its branded icon instead:

The stamps are in the shape of a moon. It’s not officially part of’s branding, but it’s a very recognizable icon for its rewards members.

Because of this recognizability, its placement within hotel search results pages is helpful as it allows users to quickly scroll through and see which hotels they can earn another stamp with:

There are many different factors that users consider when booking a hotel room, including price, distance, average user rating and so on. But rather than bog down the main listing with this extra detail that’s only relevant to rewards members, the use of the icon and its placement in the bottom-left corner of the image for eligible hotels is a good choice.

So, even if you don’t feel like using the actual brand logo within the app (or find no reason to), this example proves that there are other ways to use brand-adjacent iconography to improve the experience.

2. Use Icons To Encourage More Gestures And Actions

One of the keys to retaining more app users is to give them a reason to regularly engage with it. And if your users can’t remember which gestures to use when they’re inside the app or they find the act of interacting with it to be boring, that may be enough reason for them to go looking for apps that do a better job of capturing their attention.

Even if your users don’t have any problem with how the engaging elements are presented to them, what happens if someone they know suggests an app that they like better? And they see how much more they like the presentation of different elements?

Either way, you don’t want to give them a reason to lose interest or look for greener pastures. And I think that icons added to gestures and clickable targets can help with this.

This, for instance, is the Boomerang for Gmail app:

I needed a way to “pause” my Gmail inbox during the workday (to prevent distractions) as well as in my off hours (to keep myself from working). While there are a number of distraction-blocking tools available, I loved the simplicity and elegance of this one. I especially appreciated this sorting gesture.

There’s no need to open the message and use the options bar to select the right option. When messages appear in my inbox, it takes no more than a second to swipe left and take action because of how clearly labeled they are. And because I use this app every day, my finger automatically knows which icon to flick the message to: archive, mark as read, Boomerang (for another day/time), move or delete.

Again, if you can make engaging with an app go more smoothly — which, in this case, I attribute to the complex gesture simplified by recognizable icons — you’ll find users are more likely to use it.

Your app doesn’t need to have swiping gestures in order to play around with engaging icon design. Duolingo, for example, has brought its language modules to life thanks to these animated icons:

Have you ever read something online that was so good (or maybe even so bad) that you had to know who wrote it? For the most part, online publications just put a byline at the top and a short bio under the post. BuzzFeed, however, gives its author more than just name recognition. It pairs their byline with an iconized headshot.

This is a great touch. It tells readers from the get-go that they have real writers behind this piece and lets them connect to the writer on a more personal level.

It’s also just too easy for this detail to get lost on a page because of the title, subtitle, read-minutes and other metadata that publications put at the top. I’d say in terms of making an article more attractive and welcoming, even this small of an icon helps set the stage for an enjoyable reading experience.

Food service apps could probably benefit from this as well. Only, in this case, it would be food items and products that become iconized. Like what the SONIC Drive-in app does:

There was a study done by Durham University on the connection between images and satisfaction with a food order. The study looked at a number of variables, but this one is particularly relevant to what we’re looking at in the SONIC app:

“Our research revealed that if a restaurant wants to make use of imagery and visual prompts on their menu, this needs to be combined with commonly used and ‘accurate’ food names to increase marketing power. While it may seem a basic approach, photos can act as a positive reinforcement for customers who have made a visual connection that reflects the name of that dish.”

This is exactly what SONIC does in the above example. Rather than show one of their cups filled with the soft drink or show no photo at all, it displays the brand logos as icons beside each.

These brands are so deeply ingrained in the consumer consciousness that it will make the ordering process go much easier. It should also lead to greater satisfaction overall as there’s no surprise about what they’re getting.

Then, there’s the use case for marketplaces, like Rakuten:

This ebates app helps users make money off of their online purchases.

Now imagine if this app were just a text-only list of deals. Sure, it would still be usable and useful… but users would likely resort to the search bar to find deals as opposed to actually reading through what’s available. And if your users can only find what they want through search, there’s something wrong — especially if you’re presenting them with the hottest offers or products of the day.

I looked around and couldn’t find any ecommerce marketplace that does something like this — pairing a product or deal with a brand icon — which I find surprising. While I realize users can sort through listings by brand name, wouldn’t an iconized brand logo help users more easily locate items they want to buy from search results?

I guess the big argument against this would be for marketplaces pushing their own products (like Amazon does). By displaying a brand icon either in search results or on a product’s page, it might deter users from buying the item if it’s from a lesser-known and unrecognizable brand.

For concepts like Rakuten, however, it totally works and I’d urge you to use it when you can.

Wrapping Up

As you can tell by these examples, you’re not going to completely revamp the look and feel of your mobile app with icons. Instead, by adding very subtle touches here and there — that users are bound to take notice of — you’ll impress them with your attention to detail while making the overall experience more enjoyable. This, in turn, can lead to greater levels of engagement and higher rates of user retention.

Further Reading on SmashingMag:

How to Password Protect Your WordPress Forms

Do you want to password protect a form on your WordPress website?

Normally, when you add a form to your website, it is visible to all users who can see that page. If you want to protect a WordPress form and limit its access to only certain people, then you may need to password protect that particular form.

In this article, we’ll explain step by step how to easily password protect your WordPress forms.

Password protecting a WordPress form

Why Password Protect WordPress Forms?

There are lots of reasons why you might password protect forms on your WordPress website.

For instance:

  • You create and maintain websites for a number of clients. When they need support, they fill out a support request form. Non-clients shouldn’t be able to request support using that form.
  • You have weekly appointments with clients over Zoom or Skype, which they can book through your website. Non-clients shouldn’t be able to book an appointment.
  • You run an online photography club. Members can send in their best photos each month and you feature a selection on your website. Non-members shouldn’t be able to send in photos.

In all these situations, you want to prevent non-clients or non-members from filling in your form. Otherwise, you need to carefully go through all the form entries to check whether they are valid submissions or not.

We are going to cover 2 ways to password protect your forms in WordPress.

1. Password Protect a WordPress Form Using WPForms

WPForms is our #1 rated contact form plugin for WordPress. It allows you to create any kind of WordPress forms by using a simple drag and drop form builder.

It also comes with a form locker addon which allows you to add password protection to your WordPress forms when needed.

First,you need to install and activate the WPForms plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Next, you need to set up your form. Just follow our instructions on how to create a contact form in WordPress for help with this.

Once you have your form ready, the next step is to install the Form Locker addon for WPForms. First, go to WPForms » Addons in your WordPress admin.

The WPForms addons page in your WordPress admin

Here, you need to search for the ‘Form Locker’ addon. Just click on the ‘Install Addon’ button to install and activate it:

Installing the Form Locker addon for WPForms

Now, go to WPForms » All Forms and find the form that you want to protect. Simply click on the form name to start editing it:

Editing a form in WPForms

Next, go to Settings » Form Locker and you will see the Form Locker options. Go ahead and click on the ‘Enable password protection’ box:

Going to the Form Locker settings page in WPForms and checking the password box

You will now be able to enter a password. You may also enter a display message if you want to.

Entering a password and a message for your password protected form

Don’t forget to click the Save button at the top of the screen after setting your password:

Make sure you save your changes to password protect your WordPress form

Now, when someone visits a post or page with that form on, they will see the rest of the content but not the form itself.

The user's view of the form before entering the password

When the user enters the password, the password box and message will disappear. They will see the page content and the form itself:

The form displays after the user enters the password

You could also use this method to password protect forms in widgetized areas such as your sidebar.

A password protected form in the WordPress site's sidebar

As you can see, outside of just password protection, the form locker also offers other advanced features like limiting total number of entries, restricting access to logged in users only, and even enabling form submissions for only certain dates.

However if you’re looking for a free option to password protect your form, then see option #2.

2. Password Protect the Form’s WordPress Page

What if you want to hide the whole page, not just the form itself? This is very easy to do in WordPress.

First, create or edit a page and add your form to it, as shown above:

Editing the WordPress page that has the form on

Then, click on the ‘Document’ settings on the right hand side. Simply click on the ‘Public’ link here:

Editing the page's visibility settings

You will now see the ‘Post Visibility’ popup. Next, click the ‘Password Protected’ option and type in the password you want to use:

Password protecting the page with the form on in WordPress

Now, when someone visits that page, they will need to enter a password to see any of the content:

The WordPress page now requires a password before the content can be viewed

We hope this article helped you learn how to password protect your WordPress forms. You may also want to see our guide on how to password protect a WordPress website, how to secure your contact forms, and how to improve overall WordPress security to keep your content safe and protected.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Password Protect Your WordPress Forms appeared first on WPBeginner.