5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Scrum Master Training

I often receive the question from people asking – WHY one should attend a PSM training when it is not mandatory for taking the certification? And it is a very valid question. Also, a lot of people are doubtful of taking training because if they go for certification directly it costs them just $150 while training will cost about $400 (in the Indian subcontinent), so why should they pay more? In this blog, I would like to answer such questions and doubts, so that people can make the right decisions.

Let me first share my personal experience on the journey of being a Scrum Master. When I was introduced to Scrum in my organization in 2010-11, I assumed that the role of a Scrum Master is that of a “Scrum Secretary”, the person responsible for taking notes, updating JIRA boards, scheduling events, and so on. I lived in that bubble for the next couple of years without making much change or creating any impact as a Scrum Master. Then I took my training and was introduced to a plethora of things that a Scrum Master is supposed to do for the Scrum Team and the organization. Also, it gave me clarity on a variety of skills that I needed to acquire to become a change agent who could create business impact.

Matching Specific Ad Based On Filters

Hi, I need a little help with someting I'd like to implement, but not sure how to do it.

I'm running eBay like classifieds site. There are a lot of filters on my site e.g. you can filter ads by price, by category, by city, by condition...
Let's say we have this use case:

  • User is able to filter ads on my site using filters
  • Once he does it he can save those filters and subscribe to get push notification when someone submits an ad that matches those filters
  • I save those filters in my database for that user

For this example let's say my site has around 100k active subscriptions.

The first step is obviously to attack a place in a code where ad is being saved to the database. I'm having a problem with how to know if that specific ad matches those filters.

I would need to go through 100k subscriptions and their filters to know which filter matches the ad that has been posted. It doesn't sound too good for me, it could be 1M filters or more.

Can someone help me with that or at least point me to the right direction

How to Convert a PowerPoint to PDF in Java

You use PowerPoint to present findings and data or propose new ideas, whether its within your team, to investors, or to clientsWith the ability to choose graphics and color schemes that help reflect your tone and brand, it is a wonderful tool in helping educate and persuade your audienceThe simplicity and visual appeal of PowerPoint slides has made it the go-to application for presentation design, and it is used as the default presentation software for many organizations.  

Having your PowerPoint converted to PDF format will give you the ability to more easily share information with your audience. This simple act will help your audience remember your organization, and they can use the document as reference when making any decisions.  For example, you might use PowerPoint to create a brochure template that could then be populated with client data using input text; this customized brochure could then be converted to PDF using this API in Java and shared with clients for a personalized experience. However, you might even need it for something as simple as converting your PowerPoint to PDF to print and provide as notes for your audience. All of this will help show your professionalism and preparedness.  

How to Render Your Website

A little history

Back in the days, rendering a website was simple. You needed a web server that served HTML files. Those were static sites. Then developers started using databases and authentication. To achieve that, they needed to manipulate the HTML file before serving it. That's how server-side rendering was born. Let's fast forward until 2010, when Backbone got released. The front-end got richer and more complex. Then the era of client-side applications begin. Developers migrated their data and routing logic to the client side. They could, because Google "understood" JavaScript. The servers became slimmer, but the websites became more complex. Yet, recently server-side rendering became a trend again. All thanks to React and its server-side hydration feature.

Static sites

Static sites are the simplest way to render a website. You code your website in HTML/CSS, and serve those files from a web server. This is the simplest way to render your website, but it comes with pros and cons.

Distributed Balanced Partition-Queues Assignment Using Kubernetes statefulSet

Partitioning a domain is a useful way to achieve scalability of a system. The idea behind partitioning is that instead of putting everything in a single place, you divide the dataset or the work into multiple places based on some attribute, which is usually the identifier of the entity.

The division allows us to spread the storage and/or the processing to multiple machines or containers, and allows the horizontal scaling we were seeking to get.

Crafting a Multi-Node Multi-Broker Kafka Cluster- A Weekend Project

Over the most recent couple of years, there has been a huge development in the appropriation of Apache Kafka. Kafka is a scalable pub/sub system and in a nutshell, is designed as a distributed multi-subscription system where data persists to disks. On top of it as a highlight, Kafka delivers messages to both real-time and batch consumers at the same time without performance degradation. Current users of Kafka incorporate Uber, Twitter, Netflix, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Cisco, Goldman Sachs, and so forth. Can refer here to know about Apache Kafka

This article aims to explain the steps of how we can install and configure the multi-node multi-broker Kafka cluster where Ubuntu 14.04 LTS as an OS on all the nodes in the cluster. Multi-node Kafka cluster provides better reliability and high availability of the Kafka service. Install and running a single Kafka broker is possible but we can’t achieve all the benefits that a Multi-node Kafka cluster can give, for example, data replication.

Web Technologies and Syntax

JavaScript has a (newish) feature called optional chaining. Say I have code like:

const name = Data.person.name;

If person happens to not exist on Data, I’m going to get a hard, show-stopping error. With optional chaining, I can write:

const name = Data.person?.name;

Now if person doesn’t exist, name becomes undefined instead of throwing an error. That’s quite useful if you ask me. In a way, it makes for more resilient code, since there is less possibility of a script that entirely bombs out. But there are arguments that it actually makes for less resilient code, because instead of fixing the problem at the root level (bad data), you’re putting a band-aid on the problem.

Jim Nielsen makes the connection to optional chaining and !important in CSS. Errors of “undefined properties” are perhaps the most common of all JavaScript errors and optional chaining is a quick workaround. Styles that don’t cascade the way you want is (maybe?) the most common of all CSS issues and !important is a quick workaround.

Anyone familiar with CSS knows that using !important doesn’t always fix your problems. In fact, it might just cause you more problems. Ditto for optional chaining in JavaScript, it might cause you more problems than it fixes (we just don’t know it yet since it hasn’t been around long enough).

I like that take.

Sweeping negative hot takes about new features are just clickbait silliness, but sometimes there are good things buried in there to think about. I’ll bet optional chaining settles into some nice patterns in JavaScript, just like !important has in CSS to some degree. Most chatter I hear about !important in CSS lately is about how you should use it when you really mean it (not for getting out of a jam).

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Understanding a Messaging Queue by Example

What Is a Messaging Queue?

A message queue is a form of asynchronous service-to-service communication used in server-less and micro-services architectures. Messages are stored on the queue until they are processed and deleted.

Messaging Queue is a combination of two words — Message & Queue where:

Getting Started With Windows Containers

Containers are a type of Operating System Virtualization that runs applications along with all its dependencies in a resource isolated process. Containers have come a long way in *nix based Operating Systems. There are many container runtimes available for running containers in Linux. Running Containers on Windows is a requirement that's been added recently 

Docker came up with an installation package for Windows that helps in running Windows containers, but the way containers run in Windows is quite different from containers running on linux. In 2016, Microsoft partnered with Docker to come up with the Docker specification that supports running Docker Windows containers. Not all Windows Operating Systems support running Containers other than Windows 10, Windows 2016 and Windows 2019. 

Spring security using OAuth2 with Microsoft AzureAD B2C


Microsoft Azure provides the capability to integrate social-logins in the application by using AzureAD B2C. The good thing about that is you’ll have a single Authorization server (Azure) and different IDP like Google, Facebook, GitHub, or any custom IDP.

To achieve this we need to create 1 B2C tenant and configure App Registration, IDP, and create UserFlow. The below video tutorial covers all these steps and guide you on how to integrate Azure B2C with spring security.

pass multiple inputs to proc_open pipe in php

I am trying to create an interactive terminal to use in a project that I am working on. the idea is that I will have a web page which looks like a terminal and can use it to work with command line tools. anyway I need to use php as my service was built on php and I am familiar with it , but I couldn't get to a point where I can send multiple commands to bash (I am using bash for testing) , here is my last code snippet which seems to be able to send the given commands but I am not sure because the output of the commands is 1 !


ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

$descs = array(

    0 => array("pipe", "r"),
    1 => array("pipe", "w"),
    2 => array("file", "error.txt", "w")

$cmd = "/bin/bash";

$proc = proc_open($cmd, $descs, $pipe, NULL);
stream_set_blocking($pipe[0], 0);
stream_set_blocking($pipe[1], 0);

if(!$proc) {
$error_file = fopen("error.txt", "r");
echo "Error !" . fread($error_file, filesize($error_file));

$status = proc_get_status($proc);

if(is_resource($proc)) {

$commands = ["id", "whoami", "ls"]; 
$n = 0;
$output = "";
while($n < 3) {
    echo $commands[$n];
    fwrite($pipe[0], $commands[$n] . PHP_EOL );

    while($out = stream_get_contents($pipe[1]) && !feof($pipe[1])){

        $output .= $out ;

    echo $output;   


Anti-Patterns of Product Owners – Part-1

One of the most important roles in an Agile Project is that of the Product Owner (PO).  The Primary responsibility of the PO is to represent the Business, prioritizing business requirements for delivery.  This often means that the PO is the one who decides what the Squad does in a Sprint.   However, it does not mean that the PO tells them how to do it, when to do it during the sprint, and which team member should do what.  Sadly some POs go beyond their key responsibility and start managing the team and the project – the Project Managing PO!  These POs find it difficult to move away from Project Management and adopt an approach of trust, collaboration, and empowerment – which is pivotal in an Agile context.

This article highlights the PO anti-patterns, describes the repercussions of these, and towards the end suggests a few tips to avoid them.

How To Intentionally Procrastinate

Procrastinating properly, or intentional procrastination is not a bad thing. It’s just your mind’s natural expression of its desire for novelty and efficiency.

Industry and culture have evolved/changed much faster than the human brain. Since the industrial revolution, there’s been nothing but finding ways of doing things faster, and safer, and easier, and cheaper.

#285: AVIF

Show Description

Marie and Stephen talk about adding AVIF support to CodePen Asset hosting – most importantly, how do you pronounce AVIF? What is AVIF? How does AVIF compare with WebP? And how was AVIF support added to CodePen?

Time Jumps

  • 01:08 How to pronounce it?
  • 01:59 What is it?
  • 06:05 WebP vs AVIF?
  • 10:01 Sponsor: Jetpack
  • 12:05 How did we add this to CodePen?
  • 19:06 The evolution of Asset Hosting

Sponsor: Jetpack

Jetpack has a variety of features that help make integration between your site and social media sites better. For example, widgets for showing the latest photos from Instagram, or for contacting you via WhatsApp. But it helps in the other direction as well, allowing you to automatically post to social networks when you publish new content. Plus, preview what it will look like before it goes.

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The post #285: AVIF appeared first on CodePen Blog.