Crafting a Multi-Node Multi-Broker Kafka Cluster- A Weekend Project

Over the most recent couple of years, there has been a huge development in the appropriation of Apache Kafka. Kafka is a scalable pub/sub system and in a nutshell, is designed as a distributed multi-subscription system where data persists to disks. On top of it as a highlight, Kafka delivers messages to both real-time and batch consumers at the same time without performance degradation. Current users of Kafka incorporate Uber, Twitter, Netflix, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Cisco, Goldman Sachs, and so forth. Can refer here to know about Apache Kafka

This article aims to explain the steps of how we can install and configure the multi-node multi-broker Kafka cluster where Ubuntu 14.04 LTS as an OS on all the nodes in the cluster. Multi-node Kafka cluster provides better reliability and high availability of the Kafka service. Install and running a single Kafka broker is possible but we can’t achieve all the benefits that a Multi-node Kafka cluster can give, for example, data replication.