Agile and Lean Startup – Part 1


In the field of Software Engineering, Agile is held in high regard. Agile is treated like a panacea that is expected to solve all the issues faced by enterprises, with respect to Software Development. Agile based techniques like Scrum, Kanban have become pretty common and are widely adopted. However, there are many projects that have failed despite applying agile methods. Also, intriguing new developments are happening outside of the software industry focused on eliminating waste and applying lean beyond the definitions of agile. What is particularly interesting is companies with limited resources being remarkably successful by applying concepts from “The Lean Startup Methodology” which has gained immense popularity among the startups. Using the Lean Startup approach, companies can avoid chaos and conduct experiments to test a vision. 

Lean Methodology puts a process around the development of a product focusing on cutting waste and emphasizing constant feedback. Modern concepts such as Lean Startup, Agile Methodologies, all trace their origins to Lean Thinking, a term coined to signify widely adopted Japanese manufacturing concepts.