How to build better Infra Microservices?: 3 Key Architectural Guidelines

Microservices are great and powerful. Microservices always need not be business scenario specific. When building scalable, large platforms, it is important to build several infrastructure level microservices which can be used in building solution/business specific microservices. 

what Is an Infra Microservice?

A microservice which may not directly handle the business use case but helps in rapid development of other functional microservices by handling generic things like user profiles management, Clickstream data pipeline, role-based access control, etc. Compare this with functional microservices that will handle business-specific use cases for example – Product rating microservice, Order delivery microservice.

The Challenges of Adopting K8s for Production and Tips to Avoid Them

From its discreet debut in 2000 with the jail command introduced by FREEBSD, container technology is now firmly occupying the center stage of modern software delivery. Kubernetes is the de facto standard today for container orchestration and reputedly the best in the containerization space. And the timing is right for the platform, as Gartner has projected that by 2023, over 70% of global enterprises will be running two or more containerized applications -- up by 20% over last year.

Yet, Kubernetes remains complex to manage at enterprise scale, where workloads are heavy, and SLA compliance is critical. Even when Kubernetes is running smoothly in the test environment, running it in production needs to be approached with care to avoid pitfalls.

Managing Kubernetes Environments Using Namespaces and Terraform

In the last several years, Kubernetes has become the “go-to” standard for managing and orchestrating containerized workloads. Thanks to its vendor-agnostic nature, you can easily run Kubernetes almost anywhere, and in fact, all the major cloud vendors offer a managed Kubernetes service (AWS EKS, Google GKE, and Azure AKS).

With Kubernetes, one of the key advantages is the ease of managing multiple environments and workloads in a single cluster, by separating the cluster into logical areas using namespaces. This post will dive into how we can manage this by using Terraform to manage the cluster provisioning as well as manage the namespaces.

Why DevOps Should be Responsible for Development Environments

Let’s discuss an extremely common anti-pattern I’ve noticed with teams that are relatively new to containers/cloud-native/Kubernetes, etc. More so than when building traditional monoliths, cloud-native applications can be incredibly complex and, as a result, need a relatively sophisticated development environment. Unfortunately, this need often isn’t evident at the beginning of the cloud-native journey. Development environments are an afterthought – a cumbersome, heavy, brittle drag on productivity.

The best teams treat development environments as a priority and devote significant DevOps/SRE time to perfecting them. In doing so, they end up with development environments that “just work” for every developer, not just those who are experienced with containers and Kubernetes. For these teams, every developer has a fast, easy-to-use development environment that works for every developer every time.

Hi everyone, I’m mooweb96

Hello to every one,
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Need help to start my startup.

Hi, I am form India. Lookig to create my own startup in the field of digital marketing. I have done my master's in marketing management. It would be great help to me if someone shares their experiences with me. I have the prior knowledge about SEO, SMO, Etc.