CircleCI vs Jenkins: Choosing The Right CI/CD Tool

If you work in the software industry, you must have realized the never-ending demand for evolution at a particular stage. This is why modern SDLC has more emphasis on the Continuous Integration and Delivery as it helps the DevOps team deliver the software faster with good quality. Gone are the days when Jenkins was the only CI-CD tool that one could think of! Many new CI-CD tools have emerged with out-of-the-box features that make you wonder about which CI-CD should you choose. 

One such tool in the CI-CD tug of war is CircleCI which modernizes CI/CD practices by overcoming certain limitations of Jenkins. On the other hand, being one of the oldest players in the CI-CD market, Jenkins has a large user base with an easy learning curve as you get a lot of content & community forums around it. So which one should you use? Should you go for CircleCI or Jenkins? Well, that’s exactly what I would help you decide by the end of this article.