Why Camel K?

1. Dev Mode

 To run a camel spring boot or camel main application in Kubernetes, it requires a developer to build the docker or s2i images, create Kubernetes resources and then apply the resources to a running cluster which is very time-consuming. Camel K solves this problem and saves development time with the dev mode. Simply adding a --dev flag while running code allows the developer to deploy instantly to Kubernetes and also make any changes to the running pod whenever the source file is updated.

2. Dependency Resolution

 We know that camel supports multiple DSL such as Java or Groovy and Camel K supports it as well. What is new in Camel K is that the automatic dependencies management feature. The developer need not worry about packaging a deployable artifact or the maven or Gradle dependencies of various components. It automatically resolves the necessary dependencies from a source file during deployment. And also only one source file is enough to run integration in a pod.