The Challenges of Using Microservices in Software Development

Businesses around the world rely on various software and IT products to help them achieve their business needs. In order to facilitate the development of such products, companies use a microservices architecture which simplifies a lot of processes across the board. Not only will this expedite time to market, but it also makes it easy for companies to test their products and provide maintenance as well. Still, companies will encounter many difficulties while working on microservices architecture and we would like to tell you about some of the most common issues you might encounter. 

Managing a Complex Infrastructure

One of the big advantages of microservices is the ability to deploy small independent units. However, as you start deploying more and more microservices, the entire system becomes more complex and you will need a lot of expertise to handle such complications. Also, even though each service is now smaller, it is not necessarily less complex, it simply shifted to the communication between each individual microservice. Therefore you will need to choose the service boundaries very carefully and have the necessary tools and expertise to handle such complexity. Most importantly, there needs to be good collaboration between everybody involved in the development process, otherwise the microservices will not be set up correctly.