Unboxing the Most Amazing Edge AI Device Part 1 of 3 – NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX

Fast, Intuitive, Powerful and Easy. 

This is the first of a series on articles on using the Jetson Xavier NX Developer kit for EdgeAI applications. This will include running various TensorFlow, Pytorch, MXNet and other frameworks. I will also show how to use this amazing device with Apache projects including the FLaNK Stack of Apache Flink, Apache Kafka, Apache NiFi, Apache MXNet and Apache NiFi - MiNiFi.

These are not words that one would usually use to define AI, Deep Learning, IoT or Edge Devices. They are now. There is a new tool for making what was incredibly slow and difficult to something that you can easily get your hands on and develop with. Supporting running multiple models simultaneously in containers with fast frame rates is not something I thought you could affordably run in robots and IoT devices. Now it is and this will drive some amazingly smart robots, drones, self-driving machines and applications that are not yet in prototypes.