Couchbase Eventing: Small Scripts that Solve Big Problems at Scale

Eventing: Simple Yet Powerful

Eventing allows small scripts to overcome hard to solve problems. First off, let's look at the basic Eventing LifecycleEventing Life Cycle 6.5 The steps below show how easy it is to write and use an Eventing Function:

  • Add (or import) an Eventing Function via Couchbase Server's UI.
  • Assign a data source, a scratchpad bucket, and some bindings to manipulate documents or communicate with the outside world.
  • Implement some JavaScript code to process the received mutation.
  • Save your new Function and hit "Deploy"

That's it; you now have a distributed function responding to mutations in your data set in real-time across your entire cluster. The Eventing service provides an infrastructure-less platform that can scale your Eventing Functions as your business experiences growth whether a one-time spike or a monthly increase in data stores or clients served without concern for the fact that your JavaScript-based Eventing functions are running in a robust reliable parallel distributed fashion.  To learn more about Couchbase Eventing please refer to the Eventing Overview in our documentation. The examples in this article below show that in some cases Eventing can act like a drop of oil to needed "free up" the moving parts of your applications.