Consul Deployment Patterns: A Brief Overview

If you've ever delved into a service mesh, key-value store, or service discovery solution in the cloud-native space, you have definitely come across Consul. Consul, developed by HashiCorp, is a multi-purpose solution which primarily provides the following features:

  • Service discovery and Service Mesh features with Kubernetes.
  • Secure communication and observability between the services.
  • Automate load-balancing.
  • Key-Value store.
  • Consul watches.

This blog post briefly explains the deployment patterns for Consul to use when making configuration changes that are stored in the Key-Value store. It will explain how to discover and synchronize with the services running out of the Kubernetes cluster. We will also see how to enable Service Mesh features with Consul. We broadly categorize Consul deployment patterns as in-cluster patterns (Consul deployed in a Kubernetes cluster) and hybrid patterns (Consul deployed outside a Kubernetes cluster).