How to Send Google Forms with Pre-filled Answers

Prefilled Google Forms, where some of the fields in the form are pre-populated with answers you already have, make the process of filling out your forms easier and faster.

  1. Your contacts are more likely to fill out the form as it takes less time for them to complete the remaining fields.
  2. The form respondents are less likely to type incorrect data in fields, like the employee ID, that are pre-populated.
  3. The forms feels more personal when people see their name and other personalized information pre-filled in the form.

Create Pre-filled Google Forms with Google Sheets

This step-by-step video tutorial explains how you can create pre-filled Google Forms with dynamic information from a Google Sheet. You can then use Mail Merge or Document Studio to automatically send the prefilled forms to your contacts in bulk with Gmail.

In our example, the organization maintains their employee database in a Google Spreadsheet and they want to give employees an option to self-update their details in the spreadsheet with the help of Google Forms.

Google Spreadsheet with Answers

If you look at employee records in the Google Sheet carefully, you’ll find that only some details of the employees are missing in the sheet. This is a perfect use case for using prefilled Google Forms as it be wasting employee productivity if we send them a blank Google Form and require them to fill out every single field.

For instance, in row #2, we know the location and gender of Angus but his date of birth is unavailable in our records. For row #4, the employee ID and email is known but Kiran’s other details are missing.

Create the Google Form

To build this workflow, we’ll create a Google Form with fields corresponding to the columns in the source Google Sheet. Here’s how the final form would look like:

Pre-fill Google Forms

Inside the Google Form editor, click the 3-dot menu choose the Get pre-filled link option. Here, fill in every field with dummy data that is easy to recognize and replace later. Once the fields have been filled, click the Get Link button to generate the prefilled link and copy it to your clipboard.

Prefilled Google Form

The link to the prefilled Google Form would look something like this.

It’s long and complex but if you take a closer look, this is simply a collection of name and value pairs appended to the Google Form URL. Google Forms will assign a unique id to each field in the form and these are appended to the Form URL with your pre-populated value.

For instance, the Name field in your Google Form is internally represented as entry.1663131167 in the form URL. If we replace the parameter value EMPLOYEENAME in the URL with another value, that would be pre-populated in the Google Form.

And this is exactly what we’ll do to create personalized prefilled links for all the rows in our Google Sheet.

Add Form Formulas in Google Sheet

Inside your Google Spreadsheet, create a new sheet and rename it Form Link. Paste the prefilled Google Form link in the first cell (A1) of this blank sheet.

Next return to the Google Sheet that has the employee database and create a new column, say Google Form Link.

Now we need to replace the dummy values in our prefilled link with the actual values from the rows in the sheet and this can be easily done with SUBSTITUTE function of Google Sheets.

For instance, we need replace EMPLOYEENAME in the prefilled link with real names that are in column B of the spreadsheet. Our formula would be something like this:


We’ll feed the result of this formula into another SUBSTITUTE function to replace another field, say EMPLOYEEID.

   SUBSTITUTE('Form Link'!$A$1, "EMPLOYEENAME", B2),

This has to be repeated for every prefilled field in the Google Form.

If your prefilled data contains space, you need to wrap the results into another SUBSTITUTE function that will replace all occurrences of spaces with the plus symbol.

Our final prefilled link would be:

      SUBSTITUTE('Form Link'!$A$1, "EMPLOYEEID", A2),
   "Female", C2),
  "Hyderabad", D2),
 " ", "+")

You can test the workflow using this prefilled Google Form that will write your form submission in a new row of this Google Sheet.

Copy-down the Google Forms Formula

You may use ArrayFormula to copy down formulas or, if you have only a few rows, select the first cell and drag the crosshair to the last row in the formula column as shown below:

Copydown Formula

Handling Dates in Google Forms

If you plan to pre-fill dates in the Google Form, you need rewrite your dates in the Google Sheets in a format that Google Forms can recognize.

This is easy to implement. Just select the column in your Google sheet that contains the dates, then go to the Format menu, choose Number > More Formats > More date and time format and choose the YY-MM-DD format.

Also see: Create PDF from Google Form Responses

You can use Mail Merge with Gmail to send the prefilled forms to all the email addresses in one go from the Google Sheet itself.

When composing the email template for merge, select any text in the email body and convert it into a hyperlink. You can put the title of the column - {{Google Form Link}} as the hyperlink and this would be replaced with your Google Form link.

Google Form link

Please watch the Mail Merge tutorial to learn more.

StreamSubscription calling from another class

In my main activity, I have two tab, named tab1 and tab 2. Tab 2 page consists of a listView and I use StreamSubscription to listen upload progress result. On tab2 action bar, it has one icon. When icon is pressed, it will navigate to pageC,which consists of listView, and I use StreamSubscription too.

The problem is I notice when I upload image in PageC, it will display the upload progress in Tab2 page first, then only it will display upload progress in pageC. Why would this happened?

I defined subscription in both page as below

StreamSubscription<UploadTaskResponse> _subscription;
FlutterUploader uploader = FlutterUploader();

  void initState() {

    _subscription = uploader.result.listen(
      (result) {
         print("Printing in pageC");
      onError: (ex, stacktrace) {

I have defined the cancel() in both class too

 void dispose() {


printing in Tab2
printing in PageC

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Hyperlambda – Probably the coolest .Net Core Programming Language in the World

Even if you're not even interested in the automatic CRUD possibilities that Magic gives you, choosing it simply because you need a DSL engine for .Net Core, should probably be enough arguments for you to want to check it out for your enterprise software development requirements. Previously Hyperlambda has suffered from extreme lack of documentation, but today I released a huge new release of the the goods, where one of its most important features is just that - Documentation.

So what is Hyperlambda. Well, instead of me waiving my arms around, arguably trying to explain what a UFO is to a cavemen, let's have the thing speak for itself. Because I guarantee you that you have never ever ever seen anything even closely resembling it, and I also guarantee you that you will be amazed by it.

Explore Your Inner Artist (June 2020 Wallpapers Edition)

Explore Your Inner Artist (June 2020 Wallpapers Edition)

Explore Your Inner Artist (June 2020 Wallpapers Edition)

Cosima Mielke

There’s an artist in everyone. Some bring their creative ideas to life with digital tools, others capture the perfect moment with a camera or love to grab pen and paper to create little doodles or pieces of lettering. And even if you think you’re far away from being an artist, well, it might just be buried somewhere deep inside of you. So why not explore it?

Since more than nine years already, our monthly wallpapers challenge is the perfect opportunity to do just that: to challenge your creative skills and break out of your routine of meeting deadlines and client expectations for a moment to do something just for fun. Just like you got out your crayons when you were a kid, ending up fully immersed in the creative process.

For this post, artists and designers from across the globe once again took on the challenge and created beautiful and unique wallpapers that are bound to cater for some good vibes on your screens. All of them are available in versions with and without a calendar for June 2020 and can be downloaded for free. And because there can never be too much eye candy, we also added some wallpaper goodies from our archives at the end of this post. A big thank-you to everyone who shared their designs with us — this post wouldn’t exist without you. Enjoy!

  • All images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

Ready to take on the challenge?

The next wallpapers post is already in the making, and, well, we’d be happy to feature your artwork in it, too. So if you have an idea for a July wallpaper, please don’t hesitate to submit it. We’d love to see what you’ll come up with. Join in! →

Comfort Reading

“We stayed in the house for so long, we had to create our own reading spaces to feel comfortable. Add a cat, some coffee and several books and it’s perfect!” — Designed by Bobby Voicu from Portugal.

Comfort Reading

Summer Coziness

“I’ve waited for this summer more than I waited for any other summer since I was a kid. I dream of watermelon, strawberries, and lots of colors.” — Designed by Kate Jameson from the United States.

Summer Coziness

Wildlife Revival

“In these turbulent times for men, we are witnessing the extraordinary rebirth of nature, especially of the wildlife around the planet. Maybe this situation is a blessing in disguise? Either way, one thing is for sure, this planet is the home that we share with all other forms of life and it is our obligation and sacred duty to protect it.” — Designed by LibraFire from Serbia.

Wildlife Revival

World Sea Turtle Day

“Chinese, Hindu, Native American… Across mythologies, turtles were seen as carrying the entire planet Earth on their backs. The belief probably stemmed from their long-lasting lives, lending them the wise, ancient quality. On June 16, we celebrate the World Sea Turtle Day when we recognize the importance of these 110 million-year-old creatures, who were even contemporaries to dinosaurs. As little as cleaning up and recycling can do marvels to help preserve these beautiful and exotic creatures.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

World Sea Turtle Day

Out Of Business

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Out Of Business

Fathers Day Thanks!

“June 21st is a chance to give thanks to our fathers. For all the patience shown through the years from baby steps to feeding, guidance to teaching, they’re by our sides supporting us every step of the way through our lives. So say thanks this June 21st on Fathers Day!” — Designed by Ever Increasing Circles from the United Kingdom.

Fathers Day Thanks!

Create More

“There are people in your life who love you and depend on you. Happy people are more productive. The world needs more happy people these days. So be happy for your near and dear ones, for the world.” — Designed by Hitesh Puri from India.

Create More

Oldies But Goodies

Summer solstice, ice cream, and, not to forget, cats — a lot of big and small things have inspired creatives to design a June wallpaper in all those years we’ve been running our monthly series. Below you’ll find a little best-of from the archives. (Please note that these designs don’t come with a calendar.)

Summer Is Coming

“Imagine a sunny beach and an endless blue sea. Imagine yourself right there. Is it somewhere in Greece? The Mediterranean? North Africa? Now turn around and start wandering through those picturesque, narrow streets. See all those authentic white houses with blue doors and blue windows? Feel the fragrance of fresh flowers? Stop for a second. Take a deep breath. Seize the moment. Breathe in. Breathe out. Now slowly open your eyes. Not quite there yet? Don’t worry. You will be soon! Summer is coming…” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Summer Is Coming

Strawberry Fields

Designed by Nathalie Ouederni from France.

Strawberry Fields

Summer Surf

“Summer vibes…” — Designed by Antun Hirsman from Croatia.

Summer Surf

Solstice Sunset

“June 21 marks the longest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere — and sunsets like these will be getting earlier and earlier after that!” — Designed by James Mitchell from the United Kingdom.

Solstice Sunset

Shine Your Light

“Shine your light, Before the fight, Just like the sun, Cause we don’t have to run.” — Designed by Anh Nguyet Tran from Vietnam.

Shine Your Light

Periodic Table Of HTML5 Elements

“We wanted an easy reference guide to help navigate through HTML5 and that could be updateable.” — Designed by Castus from the United Kingdom.

Periodic Table Of HTML5 Elements

Ice Creams Away!

“Summer is taking off with some magical ice cream hot air balloons.” — Designed by Sasha Endoh from Canada.

Ice Creams Away!

Deep Dive

“Summer rains, sunny days and a whole month to enjoy. Dive deep inside your passions and let them guide you.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

Deep Dive


Designed by Xenia Latii from Germany.


Nine Lives!

“I grew up with cats around (and drawing them all the time). They are so funny… one moment they are being funny, the next they are reserved. If you have place in your life for a pet, adopt one today!” — Designed by Karen Frolo from the United States.

Nine Lives!

Urban Yogic Life

“The month shares a vital significance as the International Yoga Day falls on June 21st. The beautiful design depicted brings into limelight the value and aura of the expression. Since we are in a hub of restlessness — an edgy world that longs for a mere breathing moment, it is quite essential to portray and henceforth bring back this art form from the pages of the past. Being a lifestyle choice and a way of exploring oneself, one could say yoga is simply synonymous with tranquility and sound breathing. It is a perspiring practice that evokes inner bliss and nudges us to see the world through a different lens. Hence the image is a collaboration of lifestyle and yoga — the urban yoga — a necessity, much more than just a way.” — Designed by Sweans from India.

Urban Yogic Life

Summer Time

“Summer is coming so I made this simple pattern with all my favorite summer things.” — Designed by Maria Keller from Mexico.

Summer Time

The Call Of Koel

“The peak of summer is upon us, and June brings scorching heat to most places in India. Summer season in my state also reminds me of the bird songs, especially the Koel bird. A black bird with a red eye, this bird’s elegant voice rings through the trees on hot summer afternoons. This June, I have created a wallpaper to give life to this experience — the birds singing in scorching heat give us some respite!” — Designed by Anuja from India.

The Call Of Koel

Oh, The Places You Will Go!

“In celebration of high school and college graduates ready to make their way in the world!” — Designed by Bri Loesch from the United States.

Oh the places you will go

Almost Summer

Designed by Mirjana Teuner from Germany.

Almost Summer

Knitting For Summer

“I made multiple circles overlapping with close distances. The overall drawing looks like a clothing texture, for something you could wear in coming summer. Let’s have a nice summer.” — Designed by Philippe Brouard from France.

Knitting For Summer


Designed by Gato Vision from Poland.


Digitalized Love Typography Sketch

“Digging through my old sketches, I found this one I had almost forgotten about… With a little help from Ricardo, the sketch was brought to life in a jiffy! Hope you like it.” — Designed by Iris Lješnjanin from Freiburg, Germany

Digitalized Love Typography Sketch

Join In Next Month!

Please note that we respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience throughout their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

Thank you to all designers for their participation. Join in next month!

whats the error in the method call in this switch block?

import java.util.Scanner;
class bank{
    public void termDeposit(){
        int principle;
        double rate,years;
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter Principle Amount : ");
        principle = sc.nextInt();
        System.out.print("Enter rate od interest : ");
        rate = sc.nextDouble();
        System.out.print("Enter time period in years : ");
        years = sc.nextDouble();
        double maturityAmount = (principle*(Math.pow(1+(rate/100),years)));
        System.out.println("Maturity Amount after " +years+ " years is : "+maturityAmount);
    public void reccuringDeposit(){
        int monthlyInstallmentPayment,months;
        double rate;
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter Monthly payment : ");
        System.out.print("Enter Number of months : ");
        System.out.print("Enter rate of interest : ");
        double maturityAmount = ((monthlyInstallmentPayment*months)+(monthlyInstallmentPayment*(months*((months+1)/100)))*(rate/100)*(1/12));
        System.out.println("Maturity Amount after " +months+ " months is : " +maturityAmount);
public class Bank{
    public static void main(String[]args){
        System.out.println("Press 1 : Term Deposit. ");
        System.out.println("Press 2 : Reccuring Deposit. ");
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
        int ch=sc.nextInt();
            case 1:
                Bank obj=new Bank();

            case 2:
                Bank obj1=new Bank();`

            default :
                System.out.println("WRONG CHOISE");