Running Axon Server: From Local Install to Full-Featured Cluster in the Cloud Part 1

Axon Server is the flagship product of AxonIQ, and companion product to the Open Source Axon Framework. Axon Server itself is available in two editions, Standard and Enterprise, with Axon Server Standard Edition (SE) available under the AxonIQ Open Source license, while Axon Server Enterprise Edition (EE) is licensed as a commercial product with a full range of support options.

In this series, I would like to take you along installing Axon Server for several different scenarios, starting with a local installation of Axon Server Standard Edition as a “normal” application, via Docker and Docker-compose, to Kubernetes, to eventually arrive at a full cluster of Axon Server Enterprise Edition on Cloud VMs. All platform examples can be run using both editions, but I wouldn’t expect you to run a three-node EE cluster on your laptop, just as it doesn’t make sense to go for a large production microservice architecture using a single-node SE install.