Concatenating Strings in Java 9

Have you ever had the need to build a comma-separated list of values from a list or an array in Java or wanted to create a file path using concatenated folder names and a file path delimiter? Well, in the article Cocatenating Strings in Java 8, I have described a convinient way to use Java 8 APIs to do the job.

This not only reduces your development time and prevents additional errors, but it also let's you write more readable and understandable code. But what exactly happened since Java 9 was released, and does it apply to the code presented in the cases described in the aforementioned article.

Benefits and Examples of Using Apache Spark With PySpark

What Is Apache Spark? 

Apache Spark is one of the hottest new trends in the technology domain. It is the framework with probably the highest potential to realize the fruit of the marriage between Big Data and Machine Learning.

It runs fast — up to 100x faster than traditional Hadoop MapReduce due to in-memory operation, which offers robust, distributed, fault-tolerant data objects (called RDD), and integrates beautifully with the world of machine learning and graph analytics through supplementary packages, like Mlib and GraphX.

How Continuous Integration Can Help You to Make a Simple Deploy in Salesforce

Often, especially if you are new to Salesforce, you tend to take advantage of the changeset mechanism to deploy to Salesforce orgs. This works very well, but with this method, you don’t have a source control system to store and manage your development code. Here are some typical limitations:

  1. Missing version history;
  2. In case of problems, missing a simple way to rollback the target org;
  3. Team members can overwrite one another’s work with conflicting code or configuration changes;
  4. No easy way to clone or merge changes from multiple source orgs for deployment to the target org.

The objective of this short guide is to understand how Git can help you in the deployment process. To do this, we will use Gitlab and breakthrough its pipelines.

Securing Hazelcast With Cert-Manager

Cert-Manager became a standard way of issuing and rotating certificates in Kubernetes and OpenShift environments. Simple to install. Simple to use. Well integrated with Vault and other secret managers. No surprise it's the way to go if you want to set up secure communication between your applications!

In this blog post, I show how to secure Hazelcast communication using keys provisioned with cert-manager. I focus on all necessary steps, from installing cert-manager and issuing certificates, to using them for the Hazelcast member-to-member and client-to-member communication.

Get Ahead Using Cloud Native Potential

Zip-disks, iPods, BetaMax, Google Glass. If there's one thing that's constant in the world of technology, it's change. Today, cloud adoption has provided one of the fastest routes to business transformation. In the past, IT systems had to be retrofitted for cloud capabilities. Now, applications have evolved to leverage new capabilities; Cloud Native.

Cloud Native applications are designed, built, and deployed specifically for either public, private, or hybrid cloud. They are “born into” the cloud environment and bound not to exist elsewhere, taking the best advantage of what a cloud can offer.  They derived from the modern IT development approaches popularized and well-acclaimed over the years, including microservices, continuous development, and continuous integration and DevOps. 

Running Axon Server: From Local Install to Full-Featured Cluster in the Cloud Part 1

Axon Server is the flagship product of AxonIQ, and companion product to the Open Source Axon Framework. Axon Server itself is available in two editions, Standard and Enterprise, with Axon Server Standard Edition (SE) available under the AxonIQ Open Source license, while Axon Server Enterprise Edition (EE) is licensed as a commercial product with a full range of support options.

In this series, I would like to take you along installing Axon Server for several different scenarios, starting with a local installation of Axon Server Standard Edition as a “normal” application, via Docker and Docker-compose, to Kubernetes, to eventually arrive at a full cluster of Axon Server Enterprise Edition on Cloud VMs. All platform examples can be run using both editions, but I wouldn’t expect you to run a three-node EE cluster on your laptop, just as it doesn’t make sense to go for a large production microservice architecture using a single-node SE install.