How to Add an XML Sitemap to your Blogger Blog

The XML Sitemap file is like a directory of all web pages that exist on your website or blog. Google, Bing and other search engines can use these sitemap files to discover pages on your site that their search bots may have otherwise missed during regular crawling.

Google XML Sitemaps for Blogger

The Problem with Blogger Sitemap Files

A complete XML sitemap file should mention all pages of a site but that’s not the case if your blog is hosted on the Blogger or blogspot platform.

Google accepts sitemaps in XML, RSS, or Atom formats. They recommend use both XML sitemaps and RSS/Atom feeds for optimal crawling.

The default atom RSS feed of any Blogger blog will have only the most recent blog posts – see example. That’s a limitation because some of your older blog pages, that are missing in the default XML sitemap file, may never get indexed in search engines. There’s however a simple solution to fix this problem.

Generate XML Sitemap for your Blogger Blog

This section is valid for both regular Blogger blogs (that have a address) and also the self-hosted Blogger blogs that use a custom domain (like

Here’s what you need to do to expose your blog’s complete site structure to search engines with the help of an XML sitemap.

  1. Open the Sitemap Generator and type the full address of your Blogger blog.

  2. Click the Generate Sitemap button and this tool will instantly create the XML file with your sitemap. Copy the entire text to your clipboard.

  3. Next, go to your dashboard, navigate to Settings –> Search Preferences, enable Custom robots.txt option (available in the Crawling and Indexing section). Paste the XML sitemap here and save your changes.

Blogger XML Sitemap

And we are done. Search engines will automatically discover your XML sitemap files via the robots.txt file and you don’t have to ping them manually.

Internally, the XML sitemap generator counts all the blog posts that are available in your Blogger blog. It then splits the posts in batches of 500 posts each and generates multiple XML feed for each batch. Thus search engines will be able to discover every single post on your blog since it would be part of one of these XML sitemaps.

PS: If you have switched from Blogger to WordPress, it still makes sense to submit XML sitemaps of your old Blogspot blog as that will aid search engines discover your new WordPress blog posts and pages.

Collective #605

Pose Animator

Pose Animator takes a 2D vector illustration and animates its containing curves in real-time based on the recognition result from PoseNet and FaceMesh.

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Blush makes it easy to add illustrations to your projects. Create, mix, and customize illustrations made by artists around the world.

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A lightweight library for creating reactive, state-based components and UI. Reef is a simpler alternative to React, Vue, and other large frameworks.

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Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift

In this guide, Addy Osmani covers optimizing common causes of Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) such as images and iframes without dimensions or dynamic content.

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Second-guessing the modern web

Tom MacWright explains why for things like blogs, shopping-cart-websites, mostly-CRUD-and-forms-websites, using React might not have any concrete benefit.

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Web Vitals

Web Vitals is an initiative by Google to provide unified guidance for quality signals that are essential to delivering a great user experience on the web.

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Collective #605 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

How to Make a Simple CMS With Cloudflare, GitHub Actions and Metalsmith

Let’s build ourselves a CMS. But rather than build out a UI, we’re going to get that UI for free in the form of GitHub itself! We’ll be leveraging GitHub as the way to manage the content for our static site generator (it could be any static site generator). Here’s the gist of it: GitHub is going to be the place to manage, version control, and store files, and also be the place we’ll do our content editing. When edits occur, a series of automations will test, verify, and ultimately deploy our content to Cloudflare.

You can find the completed code for the project is available on GitHub. I power my own website,, this exact way.

What does the full stack look like?

Here’s the tech stack we’ll be working with in this article:

  • Any Markdown Editor (Optional. e.g
  • A Static Site Generator (e.g. Metalsmith)
  • Github w/ Github Actions (CICD and Deployment)
  • Cloudflare Workers

Why should you care about about this setup? This setup is potentially the leanest, fastest, cheapest (~$5/month), and easiest way to manage a website (or Jamstack site). It’s awesome both from a technical side and from a user experience perspective. This setup is so awesome I literally went out and bought stock in Microsoft and Cloudflare. 

But before we start…

I’m not going to walk you through setting up accounts on these services, I’m sure you can do that yourself. Here are the accounts you need to setup: 

I would also recommend Typora for an amazing Markdown writing experience, but Markdown editors are a very personal thing, so use which editor feels right for you. 

Project structure

To give you a sense of where we’re headed, here’s the structure of the completed project:

├── build.js
├── .github/workflows
│   ├── deploy.yml
│   └── nodejs.js
├── layouts
│   ├── about.hbs
│   ├── article.hbs
│   ├── index.hbs
│   └── partials
│       └── navigation.hbs
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── public
├── src
│   ├──
│   ├── articles
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └──
├── workers-site
└── wrangler.toml

Step 1: Command line stuff

In a terminal, change directory to wherever you keep these sorts of projects and type this:

$ mkdir cms && cd cms && npm init -y

That will create a new directory, move into it, and initialize the use of npm.

The next thing we want to do is stand on the shoulders of giants. We’ll be using a number of npm packages that help us do things, the meat of which is using the static site generator Metalsmith:

$ npm install --save-dev metalsmith metalsmith-markdown metalsmith-layouts metalsmith-collections metalsmith-permalinks handlebars jstransformer-handlebars

Along with Metalsmith, there are a couple of other useful bits and bobs. Why Metalsmith? Let’s talk about that.

Step 2: Metalsmith

I’ve been trying out static site generators for 2-3 years now, and I still haven’t found “the one.” All of the big names — like Eleventy, Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, and Vuepress — are totally badass but I can’t get past Metalsmith’s simplicity and extensibility.

As an example, this will code will actually build you a site: 

  .build((err) => if (err) throw err);

Pretty cool right?

For sake of brevity, type this into the terminal and we’ll scaffold out some structure and files to start with.

First, make the directories:

$ mkdir -p src/articles &&  mkdir -p layouts/partials 

Then, create the build file:

$ touch build.js

Next, we’ll create some layout files:

$ touch layouts/index.hbs && touch layouts/about.hbs && touch layouts/article.hbs && touch layouts/partials/navigation.hbt

And, finally, we’ll set up our content resources:

$ touch src/ && touch src/ && touch src/articles/ && touch src/articles/ touch src/articles/

The project folder should look something like this:

├── build.js
├── layouts
│   ├── about.hbs
│   ├── article.hbs
│   ├── index.hbs
│   └── partials
│       └── navigation.hbs
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── src
    ├── articles
    │   ├──
    │   └──

Step 3: Let’s add some code

To save space (and time), you can use the commands below to create the content for our fictional website. Feel free to hop into “articles” and create your own blog posts. The key is that the posts need some meta data (also called “Front Matter”) to be able to generate properly.  The files you would want to edit are, and

The meta data should look something like this: 

title: 'Post1'
layout: article.hbs 
## Post content here....

Or, if you’re lazy like me, use these terminal commands to add mock content from GitHub Gists to your site:

$ curl > src/
$ curl > src/
$ curl > src/articles/
$ curl > src/articles/

Next, we’ll be creating our layouts and partial layouts (“partials”). We’re going to use Handlebars.js for our templating language in this tutorial, but you can use whatever templating language floats your boat. Metalsmith can work with pretty much all of them, and I don’t have any strong opinions about templating languages.

Build the index layout

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      /* Keeping it simple for the tutorial */
      body {
        font-family: 'Avenir', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
        -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
        -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
        text-align: center;
        color: #2c3e50;
        margin-top: 60px;
      .navigation {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        margin: 2rem 1rem;
      .button {
        margin: 1rem;
        border: solid 1px #ccc;
        border-radius: 4px;        
        padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
        text-decoration: none;
    {{>navigation }}
       {{#each articles }}
        <a href="{{path}}"><h3>{{ title }}</h3></a>
        <p>{{ description }}</p>
       {{/each }}

A couple of notes: 

  • Our “navigation” hasn’t been defined yet, but will ultimately replace the area where {{>navigation }} resides. 
  • {{#each }} will iterate through the “collection” of articles that metalsmith will generate during its build process. 
  • Metalsmith has lots of plugins you can use for things like stylesheets, tags, etc., but that’s not what this tutorial is about, so we’ll leave that for you to explore. 

Build the About page

Add the following to your about.hbs page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      /* Keeping it simple for the tutorial */
      body {
        font-family: 'Avenir', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
        -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
        -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
        text-align: center;
        color: #2c3e50;
        margin-top: 60px;
      .navigation {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        margin: 2rem 1rem;
      .button {
        margin: 1rem;
        border: solid 1px #ccc;
        border-radius: 4px;        
        padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
        text-decoration: none;
    {{>navigation }}

Build the Articles layout

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      /* Keeping it simple for the tutorial */
      body {
        font-family: 'Avenir', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
        -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
        -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
        text-align: center;
        color: #2c3e50;
        margin-top: 60px;
      .navigation {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        margin: 2rem 1rem;
      .button {
        margin: 1rem;
        border: solid 1px #ccc;
        border-radius: 4px;        
        padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
        text-decoration: none;
    {{>navigation }}

You may have noticed that this is the exact same layout as the About page. It is. I just wanted to cover how to add additional pages so you’d know how to do that. If you want this one to be different, go for it.

Add navigation

Add the following to the layouts/partials/navigation.hbs file

<div class="navigation">
    <a class="button" href="/">Home</a>
    <a class="button" href="/about">About</a>

Sure there’s not much to it… but this really isn’t supposed to be a Metalsmith/SSG tutorial.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Step 4: The Build file

The heart and soul of Metalsmith is the build file. For sake of thoroughness, I’m going to go through it line-by-line. 

We start by importing the dependencies

Quick note: Metalsmith was created in 2014, and the predominant module system at the time was common.js , so I’m going to stick with require statements as opposed to ES modules. It’s also worth noting that most of the other tutorials are using require statements as well, so skipping a build step with Babel will just make life a little less complex here.

// What we use to glue everything together
const Metalsmith = require('metalsmith');

// compile from markdown (you can use targets as well)
const markdown = require('metalsmith-markdown');

// compiles layouts
const layouts = require('metalsmith-layouts');

// used to build collections of articles
const collections = require('metalsmith-collections');

// permalinks to clean up routes
const permalinks = require('metalsmith-permalinks');

// templating
const handlebars = require('handlebars');

// register the navigation
const fs = require('fs');
handlebars.registerPartial('navigation', fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/layouts/partials/navigation.hbt').toString());

// NOTE: Uncomment if you want a server for development
// const serve = require('metalsmith-serve');
// const watch = require('metalsmith-watch');

Next, we’ll be including Metalsmith and telling it where to find its compile targets:

// Metalsmith
  // where your markdown files are
  // where you want the compliled files to be rendered

So far, so good. After we have the source and target set, we’re going to set up the markdown rendering, the layouts rendering, and let Metalsmith know to use “Collections.” These are a way to group files together. An easy example would be something like “blog posts” but it could really be anything, say recipes, whiskey reviews, or whatever. In the above example, we’re calling the collection “articles.”

 // previous code would go here

  // collections create groups of similar content
    articles: {
      pattern: 'articles/*.md',
  // compile from markdown
  // nicer looking links
    pattern: ':collection/:title'
  // build layouts using handlebars templates
  // also tell metalsmith where to find the raw input
    engine: 'handlebars',
    directory: './layouts',
    default: 'article.html',
    pattern: ["*/*/*html", "*/*html", "*html"],
    partials: {
      navigation: 'partials/navigation',

// NOTE: Uncomment if you want a server for development
// .use(serve({
//   port: 8081,
//   verbose: true
// }))
// .use(watch({
//   paths: {
//     "${source}/**/*": true,
//     "layouts/**/*": "**/*",
//   }
// }))

Next, we’re adding the markdown plugin, so we can use markdown for content to compile to HTML.

From there, we’re using the layouts plugin to wrap our raw content in the layout we define in the layouts folder. You can read more about the nuts and bolts of this on the official plugin site but the result is that we can use {{{contents}}} in a template and it will just work. 

The last addition to our tiny little build script will be the build method:

// Everything else would be above this
.build(function(err) {
  if (err) {
  else {
    console.log('build completed!');

Putting everything together, we should get a build script that looks like this:

const Metalsmith = require('metalsmith');
const markdown = require('metalsmith-markdown');
const layouts = require('metalsmith-layouts');
const collections = require('metalsmith-collections');
const permalinks = require('metalsmith-permalinks');
const handlebars = require('handlebars');
const fs = require('fs');

// Navigation
handlebars.registerPartial('navigation', fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/layouts/partials/navigation.hbt').toString());

    articles: {
      pattern: 'articles/*.md',
    pattern: ':collection/:title'
    engine: 'handlebars',
    directory: './layouts',
    default: 'article.html',
    pattern: ["*/*/*html", "*/*html", "*html"],
    partials: {
      navigation: 'partials/navigation',
  .build(function (err) {
    if (err) {
    else {
      console.log('build completed!');

I’m a sucker for simple and clean and, in my humble opinion, it doesn’t get any simpler or cleaner than a Metalsmith build. We just need to make one quick update to the package.json file and we’ll be able to give this a run:

 "name": "buffaloTraceRoute",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "node build.js",
    "test": "echo \"No Tests Yet!\" "
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "Your Name",
  "license": "ISC",
  "devDependencies": {
    // these should be the current versions
    // also... comments aren't allowed in JSON

If you want to see your handy work, you can uncomment the parts of the build file that will let you serve your project and do things like run npm run build. Just make sure you remove this code before deploying.

Working with Cloudflare

Next, we’re going to work with Cloudflare to get access to their Cloudflare Workers. This is where the $5/month cost comes into play.

Now, you might be asking: “OK, but why Cloudflare? What about using something free like GutHub Pages or Netlify?” It’s a good question. There are lots of ways to deploy a static site, so why choose one method over another?

Well, Cloudflare has a few things going for it…

Speed and performance

One of the biggest reasons to switch to a static site generator is to improve your website performance. Using Cloudflare Workers Site can improve your performance even more.

Here’s a graph that shows Cloudflare compared to two competing alternatives:

Courtesy of Cloudflare

The simple reason why Cloudflare is the fastest: a site is deployed to 190+ data centers around the world. This reduces latency since users will be served the assets from a location that’s physically closer to them.


Admittedly, the initial configuration of Cloudflare Workers may be a little tricky if you don’t know how to setup environmental variables. But after you setup the basic configurations for your computer, deploying to Cloudflare is as simple as wrangler publish from the site directory. This tutorial is focused on the CI/CD aspect of deploying to Cloudflare which is a little more involved, but it’s still incredibly simple compared to most other deployment processes. 

(It’s worth mentioning GitHub Pages, Netlify are also killing it in this area. The developer experience of all three companies is amazing.)

More bang for the buck

While Github Pages and Netlify both have free tiers, your usage is (soft) limited to 100GB of bandwidth a month. Don’t get me wrong, that’s a super generous limit. But after that you’re out of luck. GitHub Pages doesn’t offer anything more than that and Netlify jumps up to $45/month, making Cloudflare’s $5/month price tag very reasonable.

ServiceFree Tier BandwidthPaid Tier PricePaid Tier Requests / Bandwidth
GitHub Pages100GBN/AN/A
Netlify100GB$45~150K / 400 GB
Cloudflare Workers Sitesnone$510MM / unlimited 
Calculations assume a 3MB average website. Cloudflare has additional limits on CPU use. GitHub Pages should not be used for sites that have credit card transactions.

Sure, there’s no free tier for Cloudflare, but $5 for 10 million requests is a steal. I would also be remise if I didn’t mention that GitHub Pages has had a few outages over the last year. That’s totally fine in my book a demo site, but it would be bad news for a business.

Cloudflare offers a ton of additional features for that worth briefly mentioning: free SSL certificates, free (and easy) DNS routing, a custom Workers Sites domain name for your projects (which is great for staging), unlimited environments (e.g. staging), and registering a domain name at cost (as opposed to the markup pricing imposed by other registrars). 

Deploying to Cloudflare

Cloudflare provides some great tutorials for how to use their Cloudflare Workers product. We’ll cover the highlights here.

First, make sure the Cloudflare CLI, Wrangler, is installed:

$ npm i @cloudflare/wrangler -g

Next, we’re going to add Cloudflare Sites to the project, like this:

wrangler init --site cms 

Assuming I didn’t mess up and forget about a step, here’s what we should have in the terminal at this point:

⬇️ Installing cargo-generate...
🔧   Creating project called `workers-site`...
✨   Done! New project created /Users/<User>/Code/cms/workers-site
✨  Succesfully scaffolded workers site
✨  Succesfully created a `wrangler.toml`

There should also be a generated folder in the project root called /workers-site as well as a config file called wrangler.toml — this is where the magic resides.

name = "cms"
type = "webpack"
account_id = ""
workers_dev = true
route = ""
zone_id = ""

bucket = ""
entry-point = "workers-site"

You might have already guessed what comes next… we need to add some info to the config file! The first key/value pair we’re going to update is the bucket property.

bucket = "./public"

Next, we need to get the Account ID and Zone ID (i.e. the route for your domain name). You can find them in your Cloudflare account all the way at the bottom of the dashboard for your domain:

Stop! Before going any further, don’t forget to click the “Get your API token” button to grab the last config piece that we’ll need. Save it on a notepad or somewhere handy because we’ll need it for the next section. 

Phew! Alright, the next task is to add the Account ID and Zone ID we just grabbed to the .toml file:

name = "buffalo-traceroute"
type = "webpack"
account_id = "d7313702f333457f84f3c648e9d652ff" # Fake... use your account_id
workers_dev = true
# route = "*" 
# zone_id = "805b078ca1294617aead2a1d2a1830b9" # Fake... use your zone_id

bucket = "./public"
entry-point = "workers-site"
(Again, those IDs are fake.)

Again, those IDs are fake. You may be asked to set up credentials on your computer. If that’s the case, run wrangler config in the terminal.

GitHub Actions

The last piece of the puzzle is to configure GitHub to do automatic deployments for us. Having done previous forays into CI/CD setups, I was ready for the worst on this one but, amazingly, GitHub Actions is very simple for this sort of setup.

So how does this work?

First, let’s make sure that out GitHub account has GitHub Actions activated. It’s technically in beta right now, but I haven’t run into any issues with that so far.

Next, we need to create a repository in GitHub and upload our code to it. Start by going to GitHub and creating a repository.

This tutorial isn’t meant to cover the finer points of Git and/or GitHub, but there’s a great introduction. Or, copy and paste the following commands while in the root directory of the project:

# run commands one after the other
$ git init
$ touch .gitignore && echo 'node_modules' > .gitignore
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'first commit'
$ git remote add origin{username}/{repo name}
$ git push -u origin master

That should add the project to GitHub. I say that with a little hesitance but this is where everything tends to blow up for me. For example, put too many commands into the terminal and suddenly GitHub has an outage, or the terminal unable to location the path for Python. Tread carefully!

Assuming we’re past that part, our next task is to activate Github Actions and create a directory called .github/workflows in the root of the project directory. (GitHub can also do this automatically by adding the “node” workflow when activating actions. At the time of writing, adding a GitHub Actions Workflow is part of GitHub’s user interface.)

Once we have the directory in the project root, we can add the final two files. Each file is going to handle a different workflow:

  1. A workflow to check that updates can be merged (i.e. the “CI” in CI/CD)
  2. A workflow to deploy changes once they have been merged into master (i.e. the “CD” in CI/CD)
# integration.yml
name: Integration

    branches: [ master ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        node-version: [10.x, 12.x]
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
      uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
    - run: npm ci
    - run: npm run build --if-present
    - run: npm test
        CI: true

This is a straightforward workflow. So straightforward, in fact, that I copied it straight from the official GitHub Actions docs and barely modified it. Let’s go through what is actually happening in there:

  1. on: Run this workflow only when a pull request is created for the master branch
  2. jobs: Run the below steps for two-node environments (e.g. Node 10, and Node 12 — Node 12 is currently the recommended version). This will build, if a build script is defined. It will also run tests if a test script is defined.

The second file is our deployment script and is a little more involved.

# deploy.yml
name: Deploy

      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Deploy
        node-version: [10.x]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
      - run: npm install
      - uses: actions/checkout@master
      - name: Build site
        run: "npm run build"
      - name: Publish
        uses: cloudflare/wrangler-action@1.1.0
          apiToken: ${{ secrets.CF_API_TOKEN }}

Important! Remember that Cloudflare API token I mentioned way earlier? Now is the time to use it. Go to the project settings and add a secret. Name the secret CF_API_TOKEN and add the API token.

Let’s go through whats going on in this script:

  1. on: Run the steps when code is merged into the master branch
  2. steps: Use Nodejs to install all dependencies, use Nodejs to build the site, then use Cloudflare Wrangler to publish the site

Here’s a quick recap of what the project should look like before running a build (sans node_modules): 

├── build.js
├── dist
│   └── worker.js
├── layouts
│   ├── about.hbs
│   ├── article.hbs
│   ├── index.hbs
│   └── partials
│       └── navigation.hbs
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── public
├── src
│   ├──
│   ├── articles
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └──
├── workers-site
│   ├── index.js
│   ├── package-lock.json
│   ├── package.json
│   └── worker
│       └── script.js
└── wrangler.toml

A GitHub-based CMS

Okay, so I made it this far… I was promised a CMS? Where is the database and my GUI that I log into and stuff?

Don’t worry, you are at the finish line! GitHub is your CMS now and here’s how it works:

  1. Write a markdown file (with front matter).
  2. Open up GitHub and go to the project repository.
  3. Click into the “Articles” directory, and upload the new article. GitHub will ask whether a new branch should be created along with a pull request. The answer is yes. 
  4. After the integration is verified, the pull request can be merged, which triggers deployment. 
  5. Sit back, relax and wait 10 seconds… the content is being deployed to 164 data centers worldwide.

Congrats! You now have a minimal Git-based CMS that basically anyone can use. 

Troubleshooting notes

  • Metalsmith layouts can sometimes be kinda tricky. Try adding this debug line before the build step to have it kick out something useful: DEBUG=metalsmith-layouts npm run build
  • Occasionally, Github actions needed me to add node_modules to the commit so it could deploy… this was strange to me (and not a recommended practice) but fixed the deployment.
  • Please let me know if you run into any trouble and we can add it to this list!

The post How to Make a Simple CMS With Cloudflare, GitHub Actions and Metalsmith appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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An Event Apart: Online Together is a single-day online conference with an intense focus on digital design, UX, content, code, and more, giving you deep insights into where we are now and where things are going next.

AEA! With a brand new online version of their conference! That’s awesome. AEA is a best-in-class web conference, so if you’re looking for a conference to help get your mind going on big-picture web design and development stuff again and connect with some like-minded industry people, this is your opportunity.

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The post Online Together appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Smashing Meets! Free Online Meetups On May 18th And 19th 2020

Smashing Meets! Free Online Meetups On May 18th And 19th 2020

Smashing Meets! Free Online Meetups On May 18th And 19th 2020

Rachel Andrew

We’re having a meetup! Join us for Smashing Meets — two free online meetups with speakers, activities, and plenty of chances to make new friends. Just like a real meetup, though you’ll need to bring your own pizza.

What Will Happen At Smashing Meets?

  • 3×30-mins interactive talks from experts, followed by a short Q&A.
  • Interactive activities in breakout rooms, with friendly communities around the world and collaborative design and coding challenges.
  • A fun quiz show where you can win some smashing prizes!
Smashing Meets: May 18th - 19th

Two Days, Different Timezones

To help make this a truly global meetup, we have two meets to sign up for:

We hope one of those will work for you, or come along to both! We will be happy to see you. More details on the speakers for each event below.

Smashing Meets: Day 1 (Monday, May 18th)

MAY 18 Stage (Always open) Sessions Sessions
13:00 Doors open
13:10 Introduction by MC
13:25 Talk 1 with Yiying Lu: Creativity In Cross-Cultural Innovation Meet Designers & Coffee Toronto Design Challenge (by Mark Boulton and Vitaly Friedman)
13:55 Close & Introduction by MC
14:00 Talk 2 with Phil Hawksworth: Building With Jamstack — Keeping UIs And APIs Aligned Q&A Yiying Meet Woman of Design & Tech
14:30 Close & Introduction (by MC)
14:35 Talk 3 with Mark Boulton: Accessible Typography Emoji Challenge (by Yiying) Q&A Phil
15:05 Close & intro Quiz by MC
15:10 Super Smash Purrrty! by Charis and Peter Q&A Mark
15:40 Close close by MC
  • Building With JAMstack: Keeping UIs And APIs Aligned by Phil Hawksworth
    In his talk, Phil will shed light on some of the techniques you can use when working with serverless functions, proxies and Jamstack tools to help you build projects with confidence.
  • Accessible Typography by Mark Boulton
    Mark will be sharing his personal advice on how to use that particular typeface you want to use in the most accessible way. A practical talk that covers a bit of type design as well as the details of typesetting.
  • Creativity In Cross-Cultural Innovation by Yiying Lu
    Yiying will tell us how we can create more business and cultural value by integrating creativity in our product, messaging, and delivery. By the end of this talk, you’ll be sure to have learned how to start creating design that bridges the gap between Art and Tech, Business and Culture, East and West.

Smashing Meets: Day 2 (Tuesday, May 19th)

MAY 19 Stage (Always open) Sessions Sessions
14:00 Doors open
14:10 Introduction by MC
14:25 Talk 1 with Mandy Michael: Fun With Browser And Sensor APIS Meet Talk.CSS Singapore Design Challenge (by Mark Boulton and Vitaly Friedman)
14:55 Close & Introduction by MC
15:00 Talk 2 with Rachel Andrew: Hello, Subgrid! Q&A Mandy Meet Web Weekend Kathmandu
15:30 Close & Introduction (by MC)
15:35 Talk 3 with Mark Boulton: Accessible Typography CodePen challenge (by HuiJing) Q&A Rachel
16:05 Close & intro Quiz by MC
16:10 Super Smash Purrrty! by Charis and Peter Q&A Mark
16:40 Close close by MC
  • Fun With Browser And Sensor APIs by Mandy Michael
    Whether it’s a practical implementation of the Light Sensor API or abducting a cat with a combination of sensors, Mandy will be looking — some simple code demos by exploring possibilities, tools and resources that are needed to create engaging and creative effects, visualizations and experiences.
  • Hello, Subgrid by Rachel Andrew
    In this talk, Rachel will introduce Subgrid alongside use cases, example code, and some thoughts on where we might see Grid heading in the future.
  • Accessible Typography by Mark Boulton
    Mark will be sharing his personal advice on how to use that particular typeface you want to use in the most accessible way. A practical talk that covers a bit of type design as well as the details of typesetting.

There are only a few days left to register, so sign up for the Meet (or Meets) of your choice here. It’s free, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Smashing Editorial (jn, il)

10 Most Valuable Networking Skills for Every Professional

The best careers are built around the best networks. Great connections can provide you with learning opportunities, promotional opportunities, jobs, and more. The wrong connections, on the other hand, can drag your career down to their level of mediocrity. This makes it essential to develop strong networking skills so you can build the right network for your career.

Top 3 Free WordPress File Download Management Plugins

Running a WordPress website involves both content organization and WordPress file download management. If you care about your site and digital products, you should be aware of the importance of file download management and protection. There are numerous plugins allowing you to provide the file downloads for users without much hassle. Download Monitor, WordPress Download […]

The post Top 3 Free WordPress File Download Management Plugins appeared first on WPArena.

Styling Components In React

Styling Components In React

Styling Components In React

Shedrack Akintayo

Styling React components over the years has improved and become much easier with various techniques and strategies. In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to style React components using four major styling strategies — with examples on how to use them. In the process, I will explain the cons and pros of these styling strategies, and by the end of this tutorial, you’ll know all about styling React components and how they work along with the various methods that can be used for styling these components.

Note: A basic understanding of ReactJS and CSS would be good to have for this tutorial.

What Does ‘Styling’ In React Applications Even Mean?

The reason you’ll style your React application is no different from that which you have in mind when styling other websites or web applications you have been working on. Styling in React applications describes how React components or elements are displayed on screen or any other media.

The whole essence of building frontend UIs with React is how flexible it is to build these UIs especially as components and also style them to give us a great look and experience. It is important to know that whatever styling strategy you may decide to use is still CSS — you are writing CSS like you’ve always done. The difference is that the strategies (which we’ll be looking at) help make the process easy because of the uniqueness of React.

Major Styling Strategies In React

There are various strategies to follow when planning to style React components, these strategies have also increased and evolved over the years. In this tutorial, we would be talking about the most popular and modern styling strategies, and how to use them to style our React components. These styling strategies include:

  1. CSS and SCSS Stylesheets
    This involves using separate stylesheets like our conventional way of styling our HTML websites either with CSS or a CSS preprocessor called SASS.
  2. CSS Modules
    A CSS Module is a CSS file in which all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default.
  3. styled-components
    styled-components is a library for React and React Native that allows you to use component-level styles in your application that are written with a mixture of JavaScript and CSS using a technique called CSS-in-JS.
  4. JSS
    JSS is an authoring tool for CSS which allows you to use JavaScript to describe styles in a declarative, conflict-free and reusable way. It can compile in the browser, server-side or at build time in Node.

In the next section of this tutorial, we are going to be talking about each of these strategies of styling with examples of their syntax.

1. CSS And SASS Stylesheets

CSS or SCSS Stylesheets is a styling strategy that involves the use of external CSS or SASS stylesheets that can be imported into your React components depending on where you need the styling to be applied.

For example, we have a SASS file of styles called Box.scss we need to use in a component called Box.js, below is the code for our SASS file.

// Box.scss
.Box {
  margin: 40px;
  border: 5px black;

.Box_content {
  font-size: 16px;
  text-align: center;

In other to make use of this styling inside our Box component all we need to do is import the SASS file directly into our Box.js component like so:

import React from 'react';
import './Box.css';

const Box = () => (
  <div className="Box">
    <p className="Box_content"> Styling React Components </p>

export default Box;

After creating the styles and importing it into Box.js file, we can then set the className attribute to the match what we have in the stylesheet.

While using this strategy, you could also leverage on existing frameworks like; Bulma, Bootstrap, etc. These frameworks provide you with existing classes and components you could plug into your React application without styling every aspect of your application.

Benefits of using CSS and SASS Stylesheets

  1. It is much more popular than the rest of the styling strategies, so there is a ton of helpful resources when you run into a bug.
  2. Caching & Performance
    Standard CSS files are easy for the browser to optimize for, caching the files locally for repeat visits, and ultimately giving performance wins.
  3. Un-opinionated and Universal
    CSS and SASS is universal and has no opinion on how you render your UI making it a great choice for teams that have legacy CSS and are migrating over to a new framework or rebuilding their website or product.
  4. Quickly Iterate A New Design
    You can very easily rip out the entire stylesheet and create a new one to refresh the look and feel of your app without digging through potentially hundreds of components.
  5. CSS Frameworks
    CSS frameworks come in handy if you are a new developer, or you want to quickly work on a prototype without diving deep into writing your own full-blown stylesheets. CSS frameworks will provide you with building blocks to get your idea off the ground. Some of these frameworks include, Bootstrap, Bulma, Semantic UI, Materialize.

Shortcomings of using CSS and SASS Stylesheets

  1. Readability
    If not properly structured, a CSS or SASS stylesheet can become long and difficult to navigate through as the application becomes complex.
  2. Legacy CSS Can Live On For Years
    Most times these really large stylesheets can become so complex and long that cleaning up old, outdated or even unused styles can be a pain.
Note: “Sass has two syntaxes. The most commonly used syntax is known as “SCSS” (for “Sassy CSS”) and is a superset of CSS syntax. This means that every valid CSS stylesheet is valid SCSS as well. SCSS files use the extension .scss.
The second, older syntax is known as the indented syntax (or just “.sass”). Inspired by Haml’s terseness, it’s intended for people who prefer conciseness over similarity to CSS. Instead of brackets and semicolons, it uses the indentation of lines to specify blocks. Files in the indented syntax use the extension .sass.”

CSS Modules

A CSS Module is a CSS file in which all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default. When using CSS Modules, each React component is provided with its own CSS file, that is scoped to that file and component alone.

The beauty of CSS modules happens at build time when the local class names which can be super simple without conflict are mapped directly to the automatically-generated ones and are exported as a JS object literal to use within React.

We can make use of CSS Modules in our React applications by importing the file directly into the component file.

For example, the code below is an example of how to use a CSS module in a React Component.

 :local(.container) {
   margin: 40px;
   border: 5px dashed pink;
 :local(.content) {
   font-size: 15px;
   text-align: center;

:local(.className) is used when you use create-react-app boilerplate because of webpack configurations.

When using webpack, you can add the loader and also include the module to your webpack.config.js in other to make CSS modules work with Webpack.

test: /\.css$/,
loader: 'style!css-loader?modules&importLoaders=1&localIdentName=[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]' 

In other to make use of this CSS Module inside our Box component we need to import the module file directly into our Box.js component and use the className instead of style prop to access the style like so:

import React from 'react';
import styles from './Box.css';

const Box = () => (
  <div className={styles.container}>
    <p className={styles.content}> Styling React Components </p>

export default Box;

styles here is an object that contains the styles we created in Box.css. This object will contain the classes; container and content that maps to their respective styles. To make use of them, we assign the element’s className to the appropriate class we have in Box.css.

Benefits Of Using CSS Modules

  1. Modular and reusable CSS,
  2. No more styling conflicts,
  3. Explicit dependencies,
  4. Local scope,
  5. Clear dependencies,
  6. No Code duplication in case of SSR,
  7. No Additional costs in JS payload,
  8. Variables, Sharing variables in CSS and exposing it to JavaScript.

Shortcomings of using CSS Modules

  1. Extra build tools (e.g. webpack).
  2. Mixing CSS Modules and global CSS classes is cumbersome.
  3. When a Reference is made to an undefined CSS Module, it resolves to undefined without a warning.
  4. Using the styles object whenever constructing a className is compulsory.
  5. Only allows usage of camelCase CSS class names.


styled-components is a library for React and React Native that allows you to use component-level styles in your application that are written with a mixture of JavaScript and CSS.

It was created with the same method of operation of CSS Modules, a way to write CSS that’s scoped to a single component, and not accessible to any other element in the page or even component.

styled-components allows React developers to write plain CSS in React components without having to worry about clashing of class names.

For example, if we need to implement styling in our Box.js file using styled components, we would first need to carry out the following steps:

  • First, we need to install styled-components library by running npm install styled-components --save.
  • We then need to import the styled component library into our component by writing import styled from 'styled-components';.
  • Now we can create a variable by selecting a particular HTML element where we store our style keys.
  • Then we use the name of our variable we created as a wrapper around our JSX elements.

The code below is an implementation of all the steps we mentioned above.

import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';

const Box = styled.div`
  margin: 40px;
  border: 5px black;

const Content = styled.p`
  font-size: 16px;
  text-align: center;

const Box = () => (
    <Content> Styling React Components </Content>

export default Box;

In the code above, we import the styled object from styled-components, which makes use of tagged template literals to style your component. We then create a variable that would hold our styling and also act as a wrapper around content, that’s why we have the <Box> and <Content> tags, in this variables, we assign it to the styled object plus the HTML element we want to style then followed by the accompanying styles for the HTML element. To use the variables we created for styling all we need to do is wrap our JSX or content in between them as tags.

Benefits Of Using styled-components

  1. Consistency
    styled-components make it easy for you to publish a React component to NPM. These components can be customised through props and/or extending via styled(Component) and no clashing with CSS selectors.
  2. Sass Syntax Out-Of-The-Box
    You can get SASS trademark syntax out of the box without having to install or setup SASS or any extra build tool.
  3. Dynamic Styling
    You can make use of props to dynamically change the styles in any way that feels natural to anyone comfortable with React.
  4. Theming
    Using React’s Context API, styled-components offers a ThemeContext that can you can pass a theme object directly to, making it very accessible in any of your components, and by default can be interpolated into your styled definitions.

Shortcomings Of Using styled-components

  1. Learning Curve
    Frontend developers that are already comfortable with writing traditional CSS will have to learn a different way of styling that is different from how traditional CSS is written.
  2. Integration with Legacy CSS can be painful.
    If you’re making use of a UI library like Material UI or even traditional CSS, integrating styled-components together with them can be confusing to locate and debug styles.
  3. Performance
    styled-components converts all of the style definitions in your React component into plain CSS at build time and the inject everything into the <style> tags in the head of your index.html file. This affects performance in the sense that it is not only increasing the size of our HTML file which can have an impact on the load time, but there is also no way to chunk the output CSS either.


JSS is an authoring tool for CSS which allows you to use JavaScript to describe styles in a declarative, conflict-free and reusable way. It can compile in the browser, server-side or at build time in Node. JSS is a new styling strategy that hasn’t been adapted so much. It is framework agnostic and consists of multiple packages: the core, plugins, framework integrations and others.

JSS has third party API adapters that can be used to write JSS like styles but differently, these third party API adapters include:

  • Styled-JSS
    This is a styled-component API adapter.
  • Glamor-JSS
    Glamor flavored CSS with JSS under the hood.
  • Aphrodite-JSS
    Aphrodite like API.


React-JSS makes use of JSS with React using the new Hooks API. JSS and the default preset are already built into the library. According to the official React-JSS docs, the following are the benefits of using React-JSS instead of the core JSS library in your React components.

  • Dynamic Theming
    This allows context-based theme propagation and runtime updates.
  • Critical CSS Extraction
    The only CSS from rendered components gets extracted.
  • Lazy Evaluation
    Style Sheets are created when a component mounts and removed when it’s unmounted.
  • The static part of a Style Sheet will be shared between all elements.
  • Function values and rules are updated automatically with any data you pass to useStyles(data). You can pass props, state or anything from context for example.

The code below is an example of how React-JSS is used.

import React from 'react'
import {render} from 'react-dom'
import injectSheet, { ThemeProvider } from 'react-jss'
const styles = (theme) => ({
  wrapper: {
    padding: 40,
    background: theme.background,
    textAlign: 'center'
  title: {
    font: {
      size: 40,
      weight: 900,
    color: props => props.color
  link: {
    color: theme.color,
    '&:hover': {
      opacity: 0.5
const Comp = ({ classes }) => (
  <div className={classes.wrapper}>
    <h1 className={classes.title}>Hello React-JSS!</h1>
      See docs
const StyledComp = injectSheet(styles)(Comp)
const theme = {
  background: '#aaa',
  color: '#24292e'
const App = () => (
  <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
    <StyledComp color="red"/>
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"))

In the code above, which somewhat similar to using styled components, we import injectSheet and ThemeProvider from the react-jss library. The ThemeProvider is a High-Order component in React, which passes the theme object down the React tree by the use of context. It will contain the root theme of the component. While injectSheet is used for injecting the stylesheet we have created in this case styles into the main component.

const Comp = ({ classes }) => (
  <div className={classes.wrapper}>
    <h1 className={classes.title}>Hello React-JSS!</h1>
      See docs

The code above is the main React component that has not been injected with the styles object we have created, it contains the main code for our React component and it is going to be styled when we inject it with the styles object that we have created.

const StyledComp = injectSheet(styles)(Comp)

The line of code above is injecting the styles we have created into the component we created it for using the injectSheet() function.

const theme = {
  background: '#aaa',
  color: '#24292e'

The code above holds the theme object that would be passed to the <ThemeProvider> HOC via context and it acts as the root theme of our component.

const App = () => (
  <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
    <StyledComp color="red"/>

In this portion of the code, what we are doing here is using the <ThemeProvider> HOC, we are rendering our component that we have injected the styled sheet we created into <StyledComp color= "red"/>.

At the end of rendering, this is what will be displayed on your bro.

Code Output.
Code Output. (Large preview)

Benefits Of JSS

  1. Local Scoping
    JSS supports local scoping, taking it to the next level by automating scoping, which leads to a high level of predictability.
  2. Encapsulation
    Encapsulation facilitates maintenance and eliminates errors, as you can modify all component-related code and style in the same place, without having to worry about unexpectedly changing other parts of the application.
  3. Reusability
    Components are reusable, so you only have to write them once, then you can run them everywhere while maintaining their styling too.
  4. Dynamic Styling
    You can make use of props to dynamically change the styles in any way that feels natural to anyone comfortable with React.

Shortcomings Of JSS

  1. Learning Curve
    Learning JSS can be very tricky especially frontend developers that are already used to writing traditional CSS.
  2. Extra Layer of Complexity
    Putting a CSS-in-JS library into use adds an extra layer to your React application, which can sometimes be unnecessary.
  3. Code Readability
    Custom or Automatically generated selectors can be very difficult to read especially when using your browser devtools to debug.


Each of these has its advantages and disadvantages, and it all depends on your personal/company preference and the complexity of your application. Also, whatever styling strategy you may decide to use, it is still basically CSS. You can write CSS like you’ve always done, but React and other libraries offer solutions that can also help with styling.

I hope you enjoyed working through this tutorial. You could always read more on Styling React Components from the references below. If you have any questions, leave a comment below and I’ll be happy to reply to each and every single one.


Smashing Editorial (ks, ra, yk, il)

WordPress Contributor Andy Fragen Shares His Experience as a Trauma Surgeon During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Last weekend I had the opportunity to interview Andy Fragen, a longtime member of the WordPress community and core contributor. He is also the author of the GitHub Updater plugin, which allows developers to enable automatic updates to their GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, or Gitea hosted WordPress plugins, themes, and language packs. In the video below, Fragen gives us a window into his world on the frontlines as an acute care surgeon.

After working his shifts at the hospital, Fragen returns home and voluntarily keeps himself in semi-isolation from his wife and kids. He spends his time working on his plugins and contributing to WordPress. In addition to improving GitHub Updater, he also recently became a maintainer for the core Site Health component and the WordPress Beta Tester plugin.

“I look at computer programming and stuff like that as puzzle solving,” Fragen said. “It’s an interesting way to occupy time and figure out something to do. We have a little aphorism in surgery: the enemy of good is better. I don’t necessarily stick to that in plugin development, because otherwise we’d be at a standstill. Things would never get better and never improve.”

During normal times when there isn’t a pandemic going on, Fragen enjoys attending local WordCamps in LA, Orange County, Riverside, San Diego, and Phoenix. When he first started getting involved with WordPress he decided if he was ever going to meet any of the people who make the software, he would have to get involved in some community events. He started sponsoring WordCamps so he could have the opportunity to meet the speakers and contributors, and then he was hooked.

When he’s not stitching people back together, Fragen can be sometimes be found leading the the core Site Health meeting. He tries to pop into the core development meeting when his schedule permits.

Durning our interview Fragen offered some good tips on navigating the many claims and conspiracy theories that are swirling around with the pandemic. The rampant misinformation campaigns have so far not affected his outlook as a healthcare worker.

“For the most part, when we’re working, we’re working, and we don’t necessarily pay attention to all the extraneous things that are going on around,” he said. “You’re in the moment and doing what you need to do to get the work done and take care of the patient.”

It has been months since he has been able to hug his wife and kids, but Fragen is maintaining a sense of normal by continuing his hobbies in isolation. Despite the increased requirements for PPE and vigilance at work, he said his training has prepared him for this time.

“It’s amazing what you can get used to,” Fragen said. “A lot of these things affect people in different ways. For better or for worse, some of these things never bothered me. The training is hard enough. Because of that, you learn to adapt a little bit better, I guess. When there are things happening, as I like to say, ‘If I’m having a bad day, someone else is having a worse one.’ You are there to take care of them and to fix them as best they can be fixed, if they can be fixed.”