Extract ip_address from array and compare to data in table

I'm creating a report page and can't figure out how to convert the array (row) to just get the ip_address. I'm a newbie to php and can't figure out how to accomplish this. Here's the code that I have so far:

$filename = NULL;
// start of script every time.

//  setup a path for all of your canned php scripts
$php_scripts = '../php/'; // a folder above the web accessible tree
//  load the pdo connection module  
require $php_scripts . 'PDO_Connection_Select.php';

if (!$con = PDOConnect("test")):
    echo "Failed to connect to database" ;
    $stmt = $con->query("SELECT DISTINCT(IP_ADDRESS) FROM download WHERE FILENAME is not NULL");
    while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $temp = $row ;
        echo var_dump($temp);  // shows as "array(1) { ["IP_ADDRESS"]=> string(64) "" }"
        $country = $con->query("SELECT (country) FROM ip_lookup WHERE '$temp' between start_ip and end_ip");
        $area = $con->query("SELECT (area) FROM ip_lookup WHERE '$temp' between start_ip and end_ip");
        $city = $con->query("SELECT (city) FROM ip_lookup WHERE '$temp' between start_ip and end_ip");
        $test = $con->query("UPDATE TABLE download SET country = '$country', area = '$area', city= '$city' WHERE IP_ADDRESS = '$temp' and FILENAME is not NULL") ;

All ip_addresses are stored as binary(64) and the errors I'm getting follow:

Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/larry/web/test/public_html/report.php on line 26

Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/larry/web/test/public_html/report.php on line 27

Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/larry/web/test/public_html/report.php on line 28

Recoverable fatal error: Object of class PDOStatement could not be converted to string in /home/larry/web/test/public_html/report.php on line 29

I'd appreciate any guidance you can provide or understandable tutorials you can point me to.


Phuoc Nguyen’s One Page Wonders

I keep running across these super useful one page sites, and they keep being by the same person! Like this one with over 100 vanilla JavaScript DOM manipulation recipes, this similar one full of one-liners, and this one with loads of layouts. For that last one, making 91 icons for all those design patterns is impressive alone. High five, Phuoc.

This is my favorite sort of marketing. Some of the products aren’t free, like the React PDF Viewer. How do you get people to know about your paid thing? Give a bunch of useful stuff away for free and have the paid thing sitting right next to it.

The post Phuoc Nguyen’s One Page Wonders appeared first on CSS-Tricks.