How AI Companies Are Gearing up to Mitigate Digital Fraud Amid COVID-19

Since the first coronavirus report in Wuhan, China, now it has penetrated in more than 210 countries and territories with 3,066,417 and counting cases. The global economy is being affected by the crisis coronavirus bought. However, digitized businesses, on one hand, are making high profits by taking full advantage of this opportunity in which people are enforced to perform activities in a digital environment. On the other hand, a wide array of cyberattacks are targeting the online business infrastructure. The increased online liveliness and transactions have paved the way for fraudsters that could provide them more chances to perform malevolent transactions by exploiting the online system vulnerabilities. 

The digital financial crimes have made off more than 4.2 trillion dollars globally and are expected to increase amid the COVID-19 outbreak. The AI organizations are tapping into innovative and unsupervised learning technologies to reduce the alarming financial fraud by making their detection and prevention robust through Artificial Intelligence. System prevalence can be improved to a substantial level by keeping the online business practices protected from fraudulent access.