Hi everyone, I’m rorock

I am an educator (high school/college English) and a writer. About 24 years ago I became the pioneer administrator of our school's first network--all hardwired, changing from Windows 95 to 98, Windows NT server, if I recall correctly. I knew very little about computers, except as related to my own use in writing and publishing newspapers and yearbooks, and nothing about networks. But there was a big gear-up push being government sponsored (E-Rate) and somebody had to do it. I read everything I could get my hands on, took classes, went to workshops hundreds of miles away--I forgot to mention that I live in the middle of nowhere--and scoured the new-to-me internet for anything that might help me. I wish there had been a Daniweb then because there were so many of us in the same situation, all of us making the same mistakes, having the same epiphanies--all without a place to share success and avoid duplicate messes. I was overwhelmed, no question about it. When I did discover Daniweb, I was retired and the world of technology had sped past me. Nevertheless, I have been lurking and learning here for at least the last dozen years. I maintain a small (crude) web page strictly for student reference, and I am always looking for ways to clean it up and make it more efficient although I rarely have time to work with it. That's who I am. Thanks for tolerating me.