This Week In Web Design – April 10, 2020

Another Friday, another edition of “This Week In Web Design”. If this is the first time you’ve checked out our weekly roundup, here’s what you’re in for: all of the articles related to web design and development published over the past seven days that we could find to bring to you in one spot. So sit a spell and browse through our curated list. Hopefully you will find helpful items to your growth in web design and development!

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COVID-19: 5 Human-Centered Design Principles to Guide Leaders in a Crisis

Success is now measured by how we ease the human experience of the crisis, making human-centered approaches to problem solving all the more relevant.

What’s New for Website Design and Website Trends in 2020

Are you looking for some new design trends for your website but aren’t sure what the 2020 trends are?

Design Thinking 101 for Designers

How design thinking can open up a world possibility (and creativity) for designers.

40+ Free Icon Sets You Should Have in Your Bookmarks

Icon sets for a variety of purposes, all available for free.

Remote Usability Testing – Best Practices

Dive deep into remote usability testing.

Continuous Deployments for WordPress Using GitHub Actions

Continuous Integration (CI) workflows are considered a best practice these days. Let’s explore how to set that up.

5 Essential Skills for Web Developers Today

Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran of the industry, the skills you need to succeed are always evolving.

Decoding an unexpected user testing result using neuroscience

In this article we decode an unexpected user testing result with the help of some basic neuroscience principles.

Create Your Free Developer Blog Using Hugo And Firebase

How to deploy a blog for free and with minimal effort using Hugo and Firebase.

Sketch vs. Figma vs. Adobe XD: Which Design Tool Is Best for Beginners?

If you’re in the process of finding your perfect design tool or looking for a replacement, this guide is for you.

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (April 2020)

A number of resources and tools with an extensive set of features.

How To Reduce Your TTFB and Boost WordPress Page Speed

Reducing the TTFB (time to first byte) of your WordPress site is essential to keep it ranking well and ensuring visitors don’t click away.

Dealing with Uncertain Times as a Web Designer

How can you deal with this uncertainty? Here are a few tips to keep you moving forward.

How to Re-Create a Nifty Netflix Animation in CSS

Cool and relatively simple CSS animation tutorial to mimic Netflix.

10 Tips to Get Minimalist Web Design Right

To create a minimalist web design, there are certain general guidelines you should follow.

You’re (Probably) Doing Digital Accessibility Wrong

No matter where you are in your accessibility journey, here are some common mistakes to avoid.

How Netflix uses psychology to perfect their customer experience

Decoding the science behind the features that keep you binging.

4 Top SEO Plugins For WordPress (+ Bonus Tools)

Top SEO plugins for WordPress plus a few other tools that can take the guesswork out of selecting keywords & tracking results.

The upfront guide to design Inclusive Personas

3 additional steps to consider for a more holistic approach.

Building in Peace: An Introduction To WordPress Local Development

For those who are yet to venture into local development or are looking for a refresher, we bring you this guide.

15 Things NOT to Do While Designing a Landing Page

There are certain landing page mistakes you should avoid.

Radius: A Design System Accelerator

The Radius DS is a collection of open-source tools and libraries that allow you to accelerate your design system.

Frontend Mentor

Improve your front-end coding skills by building real projects. Solve real-world HTML, CSS and JavaScript challenges whilst working to professional designs.

Button Design — UI component series

All you need to know about button design, one of the main interactive building blocks for creating a user interface.

Top 10 CSS Editors [Review]

Here we highlight several of the best options — free and paid — editors that comes with great features.

Baking Structured Data Into The Design Process

As metadata gets smarter, it’s more important than ever to build it into the design process from the start.

How Freelancers Can Stay Positive During Coronavirus

Look at some ways to bring some positive energy into our lives and our businesses during this crisis

How to Create a Well-Organized File Management System for Designers

File organization for designers can be tough since we work on so many different projects, with a variety of clients and teams.