Kubernetes On-Premises: Why and How

Kubernetes has achieved an unprecedented adoption rate. The main reason is due to the fact that it substantially simplifies the deployment and management of microservices. Almost equally important is that it allows users who are unable to utilize the public cloud to operate in a “cloud-like” environment. It does this by decoupling dependencies and abstracting infrastructure away from your application stack, giving you the portability and the scalability that’s associated with cloud-native applications.

Challenges With Kubernetes On-Premises

There is a downside, however, since Kubernetes is known for its steep learning curve and operational complexity. As opposed to using Kubernetes on AWS or Azure – where your public cloud provider essentially hides all the complexities from you – running Kubernetes on-prem means you’re on your own for managing these complexities – including etcd, load balancing, availability, auto-scaling, networking, roll-back on faulty deployments, persistent storage, and more.